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movie afternoon
2004-07-11, 7:02 p.m.

Squidgy belly tonight. I was sicky-poo after supper last night, but it was all over by 10:00. I got up this morning and felt okay, but then made the mistake of eating a rather disastrous menu. offee, quiche, soda, popcorn and an ice dream cone, to be exact. Oh, yeah...that was a good idea.

I spent the afternoon at W&T's, and we watched "Strange Brew" and "Orgazmo". The uber-sheltered youth of T kept her from ever seeing Bob and Doug in cinematic splendor. Or Bob and Doug at all, actually. She'd never seen SCTV until I took my DVDs over there.

She thought they were both pretty funny, and was glad to get that gap in her frame of reference filled. But I didn't stay longer than it took to watch, as I am feeling, as I said, squidgy. Besides, it is looking all threatening, and I needed to put the cushions for the swing away.

Spouse called me on my cel about 4:30, to let me know he'd gotten to his destination. They must have made really good time to get to Knoxville by then. He says his hotel in up in the Smokies, and has a beautiful view. The place is like a museum, he says; the decor consists of antiques and old farm implements, many of them for Alex Hailey's family farm. Sounds cool, I wish I was there.

I think I'll probably just have a nice bland bowl of cereal for supper, and kick back with the Clerks cartoons for a peaceful night. I have to be up extra early to walk the dog in the morning, so I'm not up to anything to wild.

recede - proceed

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