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I need my meds, dammit
2004-07-09, 4:23 p.m.

Lileks quote from today�s Bleat

"Sometimes all you want out of life is a dull ache.�

So true.

I watched School of Rock last night, and again, with commentary, this afternoon. It was cute and sweet and very enjoyable. I like Jack Black. They had some amazingly talented kids in there. Nice, light, feel good entertainment.

Spouse may not have to go to Tennessee after all. He doesn't know for sure. I'm kind of hoping he does, because I could always use a break. But I don't need one urgently, or anything.

I had to run all over the south side today after work; seems there is a serious Prilosec shortage. I was lucky enough to find a two week supply, finally, at the fourth store I went to. They had a pack hanging on a sidekick because it came with a free roll of Fuji film. It wasn't right by the main display, so it had been overlooked. I snagged it gratefully. I have become somewhat addicted to not puking up acid every single day. The thought of having to go back to that, even temporarily, was freaking me out. I just hope P&G gets the problem solved in the next two weeks! Walgreen's was out the last time I was there, so this may have been going on for awhile. I'm not sure, because I was able to get the six-week box at Osco that time. WTF is going on, I wonder? From what little I can gather on the net, it's all the insurance plans that stopped covering the Rx Omeprazole because the OTC became available--they've driven users to vacuum up the OTC variety. suXor bastards.

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