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mixed bag
2004-06-23, 5:29 p.m.

Yeah..."Bad Santa" is out on DVD! With a special, unrated "Badder Santa" version! We'll go pick it up tonight when Spouse gets home and grab something for dinner while we're out.

I'm going to lie to Mom and tell her I have to work this weekend. I just don't want to go down there. I want to chill and get my nails done and cook a salmon and risotto feast for my friends. My parents make me so tired with their incessant arguing. I'm just not up to coping with that, and with TWO deaf people, since Favorite Unk is there.

Apparently, they think that guy from Chicago killed himself and took his kids along because he was a failure; lost jobs, eviction looming, etc.. What an ass. But better than the dumb, evil bitch that drowned her kids and DIDN'T kill herself. Yeah, there was another one on the news this morning. Stupid fucking breeders.

We got an extra hour at lunch from the El Grande Jefe today. It was pretty out at lunchtime, so I really enjoyed it. I really tore through the book I was reading, though. I started it last night after finishing "Billy", and now I'm almost done already. I have two books left to last me till Monday, when the library reopens. I have to pace myself. The one I'm almost finished with is "Ella in Bloom". It is not the greatest, but very readable--obviously.

recede - proceed

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