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shortsighted quotes
2004-05-13, 10:23 a.m.

Well, in the end, I didn't drink last night after all. We had yet another round of rain and thunder, and it got very hot and humid. I can't take alcohol when it gets hot and humid.

Spouse decided that weather or no, he was grilling the steaks, so he set up under the awning and did his thing. That is the nice thing about the mini-grill--you can do that without burning things down. I just fixed basmati rice and sweet corn to go along--simple meal, but very satisfying. We have both been on the catch-as-catch-can diet for the last couple of weeks, and were both craving a real meal.

I finished the necklace I've been working on, the chartreuse DNA choker. Used a magnetic clasp on this one, so I can wear it on 'bad hand' days. I'm not sure what I want to do next...maybe I'll make yet another long purple rope, to replace the one I ended up giving Mom. I'm really glad I decided to give it to her, she was very impressed and just loved it.

I need to do a repair on the big tasseled necklace; the nymo stretched, and I need to draw it back up under the cones. I may have to re-do the ends entirely, cutting away the eye-pins and replacing them. More fuss than I feel like making, that is for damn sure. I had no idea the thread would stretch that much.

I am officially making this weekend PANTSQUEST '04. Shirts too, actually...god I need clothes. But although I don't have enough shirts, and I'm sick of the ones I have because I wear them so often, the pants problem is the more immediate. Of my 3 main pairs of work pants, one is coming apart in the inseam, one has its waistband held together with three safety pins, and one just wore right through in the usual location. So my need for "Sturdy, durable, well-fitting, easy-care, conservative pants. Work pants. Reasonably priced pants." is more pressing than ever. And I want to find a bright green or yellow shirt with which to wear my new necklace! As I have often noted, I do not shop in the feminine style. About 3 or 4 times a year, I realize I'm wearing faded rags, and hastily buy a pile of stuff because it is cheap, available, and roughly my size. Half of which I end up never wearing OR returning. I just can't sustain interest in the girls shopping for clothes process. The dogged determination required to march through endless stores, and try on shit-loads of clothes is alien to me. Of course, you have to remember that in any given mall, the thin women get about 16 stores to buy clothes in. Large women, on the other hand, are restricted to one shop per mall. So for me to "shop around" for pants requires a trip to each discount store (K-Wal-Tar-Shop), and two strip malls to hit BugPlus and the ridiculously overpriced Catherine's, and an indoor mall (in the next county) for Lane Bryant. Booooring.

Hunter is right; what happened to Lisl Auman could happen to almost anyone.

Define "Short-sighted":

"Where a calculator on the ENIAC is equipped with 19,000 vacuum tubes and weighs 30 tons, computers in the future may have only 1,000 vacuum tubes and perhaps only weigh 1.5 tons." - Popular Mechanics, March 1949.

"There is no need for any individual to have a computer in their home." - Ken Olson, 1977, President, Digital Equipment Corp.

"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers." -Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943.

"I have traveled the length and breadth of this country and talked with the best people, and I can assure you that data processing is a fad that won't last out the year." - The editor in charge of business books for Prentice Hall, 1957.

"But what ... is it good for?" - Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, commenting on the microchip.

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