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moms day plans
2004-05-01, 3:30 p.m.

Blessed solitude. Spouse is taking his Niece and Nephew to visit grandpa, and then to a ball game. I have a few precious hours of peace.

Talked to my mom this morning--from 7:10 to 9:55. We only stopped because my cell phone battery was completely drained and the phone shut itself down...in other words, a typical call with Mom. I wanted to get some plans made for Mother's day before it was too late to get a reservation. I haven't seen my folks since Thanksgiving, which means I haven't given them their Christmas gifts yet, so I said we'd come down to Oregon to have dinner We'll end up eating at that awful place down by the river, but my folks like it, and it is inexpensive (by my standards,and I will be paying!) so it's okay, I guess.

In my family, it seems that the the ones with kids celebrate MD within their nuclear unit, and it's up to Sammy and me to honor Mom. Except this year Sam is going to be in Florida, so I guess it is just me. I still have to get her a giftie, and I haven't got a clue. What do you get for the woman who has a minimum of 2.6 of everything? I did a 3 bead pieces for her Christmas gift*, so it will be necessary to go in a different direction for the Mom's day thing. AND...guilty secret--I still haven't gotten anything for Daddy for CHRISTMAS! I just never got around to it, and there was no rush, so...ulp. I gotta get some inspiration, and soon.

*1. A simple beaded strand in shades of teal green, with gold spacers. Matching earrings. 2. A gold rocaille multi-strand choker, #11 and #6 bead strands twisted, and a taupe mother-of-pearl inlay focus/catch bead, centered. 3. A single rope, quite long, done in DNA spiral pattern with #8 seeds. Matte smoky amethyst with an accent center spiral strand in a/b finish smoky amethsyt.

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