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bead talk
2004-04-28, 3:23 p.m.

Well, I finally finished my complex necklace project, and I have to say I'm pleased with how it came out. I see all the problems, of course, and things that didn't go as well as I would have liked, but if I can shut my inner critic up for a little while, I have to admit that it is a good, commercial piece. I wore it to work today, and so far the feedback has been positive. As for the things I would do differently; well, that is reason enough to start a new piece! (Like I need a reason.) Next up, though, will be matching earrings, and possibly a bracelet.

I didn't do anymore work on the current bracelet last night--I decided to tidy up my workbox instead. After a while, the top bin becomes rather cluttered with loose beads and empty tubes and such, and it just got to me last night. Anyway, I don't want to finish that particular piece just yet; if I can locate a gold-toned watch finding (small, single link points) that I like, I plan on putting a lobster claw clasp at both ends and using it as a detachable watchband.

recede - proceed

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