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ahhhhh, ummmmm
September 20, 2005, 6:15 P.M.


Well, a qualified �ahhhhh�, anyway. Some of the loveliness of my first night in the new bed was beaten out of me by hormones and damp weather. I can�t leap out of bed to greet the day with my period and my arthritis holding me down. But, still and all�a wonderful thing. I love my new, very tall, and extremely comfy bed.


Is it wrong of me to be totally and completely creeped out by the fact that my bete noire, �Miss Sensitive� called me at my home last night? To ask about something not work related? Regarding a conversation she had eavesdropped on?

I cannot even begin to count, let alone list, the ways in which this offends and appalls me. Privacy issues, the separation of work life and real life, the eavesdropping thing�I don�t even think I can be coherent about it.

I am far more bothered about this than I want to be, and I know myself well enough to question how serious it really is. But either I�m wacky, or she is. And as much as I would really rather be sane, a part of me prefers that the issue lies with me, because that would put me in control of the crazy. If she�s the one that�s nuts, then that�s pretty scary.

When I can step away from my own big bundle of idiosyncrasies, I can see her thinking, as she hung up the phone, that she�d done this gracious thing that was calculated to make me see what a great, kind, friendly person she is, and patting herself on the back.

And I�m standing in my living room, slack-jawed in abject horror at her effrontery, and fighting the urge to rush out and buy more locks for my doors.

I freely admit that my reactions are:


B.Formed from my unique personal experience

C.A wee bit paranoid

But in my defense, most people who are even slightly acquainted with me know HOW I AM. I am totally up front with the whole anti-social at work thing. Crystal-fucking-clear. No one with anything approaching half a brain could miss that about me.

Which pretty much sketches out where Miss S. falls in the intelligence and perception fields.
That embolism is looking like a real possibility

31 minutes
1.73 miles
222 calories
Very nearly identical to yesterday in the numbers�but it didn�t feel the same. I swear my metabolism is in the basement. I couldn�t even get my heart rate past 132. Bleah.

Reading: "Social Crimes", by Jane Stanton Hitchcock.

Listening:XM Radio, �Squizz�. Marilyn Manson, Toy Dolls, No Address

Beading: Currently Inactive

One Year Ago, I was trying to process the 25 dollar candle.

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