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October 07, 2012, 8:52 P.M.

Since Spouse's paternal grandfather died forty-five years ago today (yes, he lost his grandpa on his ninth birthday), we decided it would be nice to visit the cemetery and clean up around the headstones. Took the battery-powered weed trimmer and cut back the overgrowth, generally tidied them up a bit. This particular cemetery has several of his dad's relations, so we did 2 aunts, 2 uncles, and Grandpa-- Grandma is buried in her family's plot, and we couldn't find her.

And since we were in the vicinity, we had a fabulous birthday dinner of Polish food at Przybylo's White Eagle in Niles, and wrapped it up with a stop at Northbrook Court to pick up some See's chocolates on the way back to K-Town. A pretty decent day.

More about him than about me, but since it's the 29th birthday I've had to share with him, I've given up trying to make it about me. He let me have my way in 2010, when he sent me to Phoenix and I got to see my uncle for the last time, so I guess I can spare him a few.

Yesterday was more my day; we went to Milwaukee because I wanted to go to Superior Supply and replace my teakettle. The handle on the old one was getting dangerously loose for a boiling water receptacle. I also got a specialized set of peelers--one that juliennes, one that is especially for thin-skinned fruits, and a standard one. And since my birthday card from Mom & Dad contained a $25 check, I treated myself to a cooking thermometer I've been wanting.

Plus, I am beginning to plan towards the fruitcake project for next month--got some good-quality, unbleached cheesecloth for wrapping and soaking with brandy. And later, when we did our grocery shopping, so I picked up some nuts I will be needing, and a 1-quart Pyrex measuring cup--in the far-superior, straight-sided style (dang, I hate that re-design!) for the ridiculously low price of $4.69. I priced out Woodmans on the candied fruit, but I think I can do a lot better, price AND selection-wise, at the Garden Fresh Market. I'm doing two this year, both for Phoenix, but one to Auntie and the other to Dr. Cousin. And since the supplies for these things are not cheap, I am planning to be a little more shopping-savvy this year.

Since this recipe is customized to Auntie's taste, it is her prerogative to tweak it, as well--and this year she has decided it needs some macadamia nuts. Now, I hate macadamia nuts with a passion, but what the hell--give the redhead what she wants. Come to that, I'm no lover of fruitcake, and it doesn't stop me from baking them!

Other fruitcake options she prefers are: light instead of dark, the fruit mix heavy on the pineapple, pecans, not walnuts, and she favors brandy over whiskey or rum.
Speaking of Auntie; she sent a gift box for our birthday; I got beautiful silver and abalone-shell earrings, plus a necklace she made herself; a stunning art-glass heart which she strung on a double strand of Swarovski bicones in pale pink. The heart is from The Art Institute of Chicago's Museum Shop catalog, and it is quite striking. Spouse got a gift-certificate to Applebee's (what IS it with old people and Applebee's? Bleagh!) and to share, we got a CD which is described in the Listening section below.

Spouse and I really didn't go all-out one each other; I think it will be limited to the dinner today, and the candies we bought each other at See's. He bought me a pound of assorted, and I bought him a tin of Toffee-ettes, since they are his favorite.

Reading: �Torchy as a Pa� (1919) and re-visiting Mother Carey's Chickens (1911), by Kate Douglas Wiggin.

Listening: Hilary Stagg, "The Edge of Forever". Gawd-awful new age crap harp music that I got for a birthday present. (Sorry, Auntie!) The ONLY way listening to that stuff is ever even endurable is when I'm face-down on the massage table, covered in oil.


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