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doctors and husbands
August 20, 2012

So I probably should cover my doctor visit last Wednesday. New doctor may be okay, may be a major pain, I haven't decided yet. I was there for nearly three hours, and that was after fasting since 7 am, so I maybe can't be as impartial as I should be, but JEEZ. THREE. HOURS.

I understand and support the fact that med students have to learn somewhere. And these were great students. I liked them both a lot. But it's like going to the cosmetology school for a pedicure--who has time for how sloooow it all goes?

Why I'm withholding judgment: I'm not at all sure I would have even spent any significant time with the actual doctor if it hadn't been for the fact that the kids botched my Pap. (yeah, just because I'm fat doesn't mean I take a plus size in a speculum!) Once I'd inadvertently fired it across the room for the third time, they went and got Doctor. Who breezily told them--"First thing you ask them is (looking at me) how many kids have you shot out of there?" My answer: "ZIP". Doctor, to students: "THIS (reaching for the smallest) is ZIP-sized." Whereupon he proceeded to administer one of the most quick and comfortable Paps I've ever had. But then he had to ruin it by proceeding to browbeat me about my weight, and telling the students that they shouldn't order the standard "well woman" tests, because "She's NOT a well woman!" Ouch! I mean, no, I'm not in perfect health, but I'm not what you would call SICK, either.

So, he is blunt. Not necessarily a bad thing, and he already discovered that I respond to blunt with more of same, so maybe this will work out. I DO like the fact that the office is only a couple blocks from my house, they have evening hours, they take blood right there at the clinic, and their lab gets a preferred benefit under my insurance plan. And in general, I like Aurora better than UHS, because they seem to be way more efficient--billing practices aside. So I'll stick awhile. Oh and he's also a hugger. Not my favorite, but he means well, and I guess it's better than an unfeeling cold fish.

I do have to say, when they called to discuss my test results this afternoon, and the nurse couldn't figure out why I would have blood in my urine sample, I really would have appreciated it if my boss hadn't been standing right over me. That way, I could have come right out and SAID "That would be because of the MAIMING I got from your med student!" I don't know why she bothered to call me back, anyway--she really wasn't prepared to discuss the results and they hadn't been reviewed by the doctor yet. I didn't call because I cared what they were, anyway. I just wanted to make sure they were in so I could get my damned form filled out.

Spouse had another interview on Friday; the paint factory this time. He said it went well, but I�ll tell you one thing: he needs to shut his big mouth and stop telling everyone he interviews with that he knows T the Drunk, though; he has enough going against him with his age and his weight--he doesn't need all the hiring people thinking he's the lush's drinking pal. A reference from a boozer isn't the best thing to have on your resume.

He's driving me crazy, as usual, with his customary set of reactions and behaviors that come out when he's not working. There's the whole "What part of you aren't currently collecting a paycheck don't you understand?" thing, where he buys stuff we've lived without for decades and don't, strictly speaking, really need even now. This weekend it was a new shop-vac AND a battery-powered yard trimmer.

Then there is the "I'm feeling out-of-control on the big stuff so I'll exert too much control on the little stuff" thing. Principally, at the moment, showing itself by the pointless and petty avoidance of Sam's Club at all costs, because I happened to mention I really need to go there and get my glasses adjusted. HE will decide when we need to go to Sam's! HE will decide I need my glasses adjusted! Apparently he will decide it that's really a blinding headache I'm suffering, too, because DAMMIT--HE'S IN CHARGE!

All this, of course, is unsaid--but so clearly acted out that his inner narrative may as well be spooling out across his forehead like news feed.

The most annoying thing about the whole situation is that I could just go do it myself, since it's my damned membership. Except that he has a childish insistence on retaining the membership card. Sometimes it's like being married to a two-year-old.
We had a pretty quiet weekend; aside from necessary errands, we just puttered around at home. The cool weather makes me go nuts in the kitchen, so on Saturday, I made pasta salad, potato salad, baked beans, and iced tea, and on Sunday I baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies. Spouse contributed grilled brats to Saturday's dinner, and on Sunday he made pancakes and sausage for breakfast, and Cook's Country Swiss Steak with mashed potatoes for dinner. The swiss steak was wonderful; you would never know it was the first time he'd made it. Of course, there was the usual laundry & housework and Spouse fiddling around with the cars, as well.

And I did a small project: When we went to Menards so he could blow a wad on his new toys, I found something that was a perfect solution to an ongoing issue for me.

A 3-tier, revolving shoe rack. Perfect size, shape, and capacity for my needs, well-built, and only $20, with a TEN dollar rebate! Spouse assembled it for me, and I proceeded to clear up the unsightly, dust-collecting pile of shoes on my bedroom floor, chuck out that worthless cheap shoe rack I've had for years, and set up my new rack that holds ALL my shoes where I can see them and get at the ones I want easily, fits in LESS space, allows me to actual get my closet door ALL the way open, and is MOVEABLE, for easy cleaning. Certainly worth $20. (CERTAINLY Certainly worth $10--I filled out the rebate right away.)

Anyway. That's the scoop for this Monday update. I'm tired and I'm going to bed. Since Doc L. got the kinks out, I may actually get some sleep.

Reading: "Gigolo" (1920) by Edna Ferber. "The Van Dwellers" (1901), by Albert Bigelow Paine. "Set in Silver" by by C.N. & A.M. Williamson.

Listening: Green Day, Cage the Elephant, John Hiatt, Bruce Springsteen

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