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5 things that freak The B
November 2, 2011

The B is a pretty laid-back dog, and takes life as it comes. But there is a list of things he decidedly does NOT care for:
Buzzing noises--these cause him to panic and go hide.
Voices raised in anger--he goes into mediator mode and tries to calm down the parties concerned.
If Spouse and I hold hands--he will run over and jam his head in between and pry out hands apart. I don't know WHAT that is...Jealousy? A need to be included? It is so cute, though...
When there is cooking, but no eating. If anyone goes in the kitchen and does a lot of food prep, then puts it all away and doesn't sit down and eat, B goes a little nuts, and keeps trying to push us back into the kitchen. He does the same thing if dinner-time comes and goes, and Spouse and I don't get up and prepare anything.
Anyone actually crying--I was having a mope in my bed yesterday, and once I started actually crying, he practically smothered me by applying himself to my face like a hankerchief. It's like he tries to put out crying like it's a fire!

As to that last one--I'm having a bit of a time, right now. With the recent rounds of illness, the work stress, the family stress (Uncle is doing extremely poorly, and my mother is persisting in having surgery that could kill her), the economic stress, and the general falling off of mood that comes with November, I am really struggling to keep from falling into a severe episode. I am just generally hating my life and suffering the usual feelings of powerlessness. About the only thing I feel good about is my quit; still doing well on that front. I am determined that this will be forever, and when I get stubborn about something--whoo, boy.

Reading:Hobby-- "Old Harbor" (1909), by William John Hopkins and "The Beloved Woman" (1920), by Kathleen Norris I was trying to read Norris's "Martie, Unconquered". But it was so dismal and dreary I couldn't maintain an interest. None of the characters were particularly likable, so I only made it about halfway through chapter 4 before walking away. And I find that even if I feel like reading of a woman's troubles and travails, I prefer to do it in more graciously appointed surroundings than Norris was providing in Martie.

Listening: Buddy Guy (it's a Chicago/WXRT thing), Dawes (I have a supernatural love for singing along with "When My Time Comes"), The Beatles (not my favorite, but for some reason, "Back in the USSR" is another belt-it-out song for me)

Surfing: Just some Diaryland housekeeping-- I finally got around to updating this page, and my archive pages. Since Haloscan and Raging Pistachio Designs are long gone, I got rid of those links, and switched to the default Diaryland link. The DL-specific buddy list, I did away with completely, since pretty much everyone but me has abandoned the place. (I would probably do it too, if I could afford professional help with moving all these years of archives. I tried doing it myself once, on WP, but it drove me bats & took forever to do like two months worth, and then it looked like shit.) I still want to update my links page; it's still valid, but a little dated.

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