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gotta get off the internet
July 26,, 2011

It's killing me. My sense of responsibility is not 'net compatible.

I spend too much time on Facebook, because I feel a responsibility to be up to the minute on what's going on with my family and friends.

I spend too much time on my smoking support website. Forums like this are a weird thing to get into--they can also start to feel like a responsibility. The encouraging and congratulating others, and keeping people posted about yourself so they don't worry, gets to be a sort of job or chore you need to do, and that begins to feel burdensome.

Hell, I spend too much time playing stupid games, because my conscience will not let me neglect a bunch of imaginary virtual pets and cartoon farm animals!

I spend too much time reading news sites that only depress and disturb me.

Last night, I cut my internet time in half, and spent the other half vacuuming the pool, swimming, weeding a flowerbed, and watering the hanging baskets. Tonight, I'm going to go out front and pull all the creeping charlie out of the sidewalk and driveway cracks, then spray them with Roundup so they won't grow back. I'm going to swim. Unless it rains, in which case I'm going to work on a beading project. I'm going to make dinner & clean up after, so Spouse won't have to. (He's got a severe back strain)

And I'm going to limit my inernet time to ONE HOUR.


More general update, while I'm here:
In other news, I'l still fat, I'm still not smoking, and I'm still battling energy and thyroid issues. And I'm still employed at a job that I still hate.

Reading:Hobby--Nell Speed's "Molly Brown" series, the four college years books. I'm almost done; next I'll read the other four Molly Browns, that were actually written by her sister Emma Speed Sampson (much better writer, in my humble opinion) who also penned the "Tucker Twins" series I recently read. Well, I read all of them except the last--not available online, and it must be rare, because paper copies are upwards of $150.00. The first four Mollys are okay, typical girls college hijinks from the early teens. Molly, of course, is a teeny bit of a Mary Sue, but still manages to be appealing and human.

Listening: Download from WXRT of 29 acts from Pitchfork 2011.

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