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June 06, 2011

I'm really having to force myself to do this update. I have things to note, but not much gumption. I will probably end up doing the absolute minimum I need to do to get by--par for the course, these days. I can't seem to overcome my lethargy and accomplish anything.

So--a list, I guess.

I have a nephew in the hospital with pneumonia. BE is the type of kid to go to college, make the dean's list, work out, and work two or three jobs--until he crashes. This, I believe, is one of those crashes. And his doctor put him in the hospital for a couple of days, because that is the only way to slow him down. He is keeping in touch via FB, to let everyone know how he's doing--seemed to be cheerful yesterday, but too many days in there won't suit him.

Went shopping for MyNiece's baby shower; won't be going to Iowa for it, but I will send a gift. Got her some stuff off her Target registry; a bottle warmer and a set of special baby bottles that apparently reduce ear infections in infants.
Got Niece/Goddaughter graduated from high school yesterday. She calls me at noon, as I head out the door on my way there, to ask if she can borrow my digital camera, since she "forgot" to get hers located, charged up and ready to go. So when we got there, I located her. Which took some doing, in a cafeteria packed with 280 people who were dressed exactly alike. And where 75% of the girls have straight, shoulder-length blonde hair. But the day was saved, and she was able to get shots with all her friends in their caps and gowns. She handed me the camera afterword with orders to edit and post her shots for her on FB. (I think we established a long time ago that I'm OWNED?)

Went out for a late family luncheon following the ceremonies, but I wasn't exactly sparkling. Huge sinus headache, plus some digestive distress, wasn't conducive to me being "on". Went home, did as I was told like a good little pet auntie, and got the photos up.
When I was out running errands on Saturday, I went to Penney's for new bras (managed to buy the wrong size, like an idiot.) and Catherine's for jeans (they weren't open yet, and by the time they were I was COMPLETELY out of the mood), Kohl's for new sneakers (my brand was on sale, so naturally they were completely cleaned out) and Party City for baby shower wrapping paper (they had nothing that suited me at all).

What a friggin' waste of time and gasoline, huh? The heat and humidity were so bad by 10:00 am that I gave up and I ended up going to Wally's for some stuff we needed, then heading home and vegging out with the internet and the washing machine. (Had to wash on Saturday, as Sunday was booked with the grad.)

Ordered what I'm hoping is a great pair of sneakers from Zappo's, $40, no tax, no shipping. But since the order confirmation I got in my email this morning said they were shipping size NINE, and not NINE AND A HALF LIKE I ORDERED...I'm afraid that the inauspiciousness of Saturday as a "shopping for myself" day applied to the internet as well. Sigh. Well, We'll just have to see what turns up on my doorstep.

Reading:Hobby--"The Pushcart War"(1964) by Jean Merrill. "Jack and Jill: A Village Story" ( 1880), by Louisa May Alcott.

Oh, yeah. In re: Nan Sherwood's Summer Holidays�really, the book is maddeningly light on detail when it comes to the king & queen. But based on the fact that Bess wears pajamas and that the coronation is taking place in May, I will just have to assume it�s �37.

Still haven�t ruled out some updates having been slapped on an old manuscript, though. (Clue pointing to an update: reference to not just a little princess, but a little prince.) Possibly to take advantage of the surge of public interest around the event? I believe there was quite a lot of interest in America, what with the captivating little princesses and the charismatic new Queen.

But of course, one can�t entirely rule out a general �fictionalization� of a royal family, so it�s still just conjecture on my part. (And frankly,it wasn't a very good book. Certainly not up to the level of other NS books I've read.)

Listening: Modern English, Counting Crows, The Fray, The Pretenders

Surfing: amazing high speed video.

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