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no-bake weekend
April 25, 2011

Since my Sunday was going to be tied up with the whole Easter thing, that meant Saturday must be devoted to housework. So for the first weekend since I got the KitchenAid, I did no baking. I'm starting a diet today anyway, so that's probably a good thing. I'm baking next week, though--got to get the scotchies and gingersnaps in the mail to Arizona.

I don't have a ton to say, today. I didn't sleep well at all last night, and am feeling kind of "puny", as Auntie would say. Called early and moved my chiro up a week, since I was in so much pain last night. I got in at 4:45 this afternoon, so let's hope it helps and I sleep better tonight. And that I can move, so I can lose some of this poundage.

Yeah--I'm starting a diet. Weight loss program. Whatever. Going to try to shed some of this poundage, since it's making me miserable. I am a really big woman, and I am generally okay with that. But I know from years of experience that the line between feeling okay in my body or feeling miserable is firmly drawn. And that I passed it 11 bounds ago. I can't really afford a new wardrobe, either, so failure is not exactly an option.

Made it through Easter with my parents, P&E, and JR. I was having a minor meltdown in the am, over my weight gain and trying to find a pair of slacks that still fit. (Quitting smoking has given me another 15 pounds I don't need.) That, in turn, had me jonesing for a smoke, so I went online and posted an affirmation that I would not spend my Easter Sunday agonizing over wanting a stupid cigarette, and that settled me down. Also, I did manage to find something to wear--my biggest navy slacks, and a short-sleeved, fine-guage sweater in heather pink. From last year, and I only wore it once because back then, it was too big!

But we had a nice time at the Polish Center, and the food was very good. Bought my mom an Easter basket with flowers instead of candy--a yellow raffia basket with two potted miniature roses tucked in it. Found it at Sam's for less than $20. She was pleased.

After dinner, we saw the folks off from the Polish Center and headed over to P&E's for a short visit. E was pumping JR for lessons in how to close the deal (she is a very new car sales rep, he's a very experienced--and very good--one) and P took us on a tour of his brewery and winery (a/k/a the spare bedroom) culminating in had a tasting of his latest beer and his first wine. The beer was excellent--a sort of Spotted Cow clone that was just lovely. And his first wine, a reisling, was absolutely a success. On the semi-sweet end and quite drinkable. He gave me a bottle to bring home, advising me to give it another 20 days and then pop it.

We visited for a while and then headed home to spend the rest of the day relaxing. Talked to the family in Phoenix, and the Packers jersey was every bit the hit we'd hoped it would be. According to Auntie, the Midwestern Division of Easter Bunny Industries really came through.

Today is marks 90 days since the beginning of the stop smoking project, and also four weeks completely tobacco-free. Since I knew I was coming up on this anniversary, I celebrated on Saturday by ordering myself a gorgeous camel-colored leather handbag, Etienne Aigner, from ebags. I fell in love with this purse online, and ordered it online from ebags, through Amazon. Posted its picture on FB. Told everybody about it.

Annnnd...opened my email this morning to find they had cancelled my order. DAMN it. They didn't indicate why my order was cancelled, but I have to assume it's because they were outof the camel. I tried again, since they seem to still have it in black. Fingers crossed. I really love the style, and at $67 and free shipping, I can't beat the price. I just hope it works out. What a kick in the reward system!

The thing is, I dithered over the darn thing for quite a while before going ahead and pulling the trigger. I was so damned concerned over paying so much more than my limit for a bag that I hesitated for too long. That's probably why I lost it.

And it wasn't until I reality checked myself that was able to do it at all. I used to think nothing of burning up EXACTLY that amount each month on cigarettes, and here I was, hesitant to spend it on a beautiful leather bag that would last me for years. Twisted up thinking, anyone?

Oh, well--fingers crossed that they don't cancel this one.
Edited to add: Got the shipping notice! Woohoo!

Reading:Hobby--"When A Man Marries" (1909), by Mary Roberts Rinehart. Never read much Rinehart, so I picked this one on the strength of the review at Redeeming Qualities. Just started it, but is seems kind of amusing in the beginning.
Also reading: "The Sheik" (1919), by E. M. Hull. I keep running into references to this book in my meanderings through the vintage fiction world, and even though I know it is going to offend my feminist sensibilities and make me nuts, I feel like I kind of have to read it, as it was a seminal novel of my chosen period--trash or not.

Listening: I had the radio on this morning, but I just didn't connect to anything they played on XRT. Not a common occurrence, but it does happen once in a great while. I couldn't even tell you who they were playing.

Surfing: I've been all over the place, shopping for a new purse.

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