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some friday stuff
April 08, 2011

crappy stuff

Naty butched my hair. Seriously. I look like I'm going to the electric chair.

Spouse did one of his control-freaky little tricks today and I kind of want to give him a swift kick. He let me set up our afternoon itinerary, make my hair appointment based on our usual Friday afternoon schedule, and then totally screwed me over. Dick.

Tis the season for friends to be walking to fundraise for various cancer charities.I probably need to do some more beading for JG, and wayback (high school) bff VNF hit me up as well. Actually, I think I can get some cheap BC ribbon tack pins for JG to re-sell, so I may just donate them.

not crappy stuff
Got my new phone battery, it works well, no problems.

Smoking cessation stuff: Doing okay, 73 days into the process, eleven consecutive days without a slip, and still working on cutting down on the gum. Doing a lot of supporting others in the online forum I'm using. I find it helps me when I encourage others.

Reading:Hobby--The Island Mystery (1918), by George A. Birmingham I fell in love with this book (found through a Redeeming Qualities review) as soon as I read the dedication:
To Theodosia, whose dislike of subtle books and brainy people I share
How could I--or anyone-- resist that?

Also reading: "The Diamond Pin" (1919), by Carolyn Wells. Her detective Fleming Stone--excuse me--THE GREAT Fleming Stone-- is one of those hideously perfect supersleuths of the teens and '20s (sort of like Ellery Queen 1.0). Bill Pronzini has said that "Wells mystery novels are riddled with stilted prose, weak characterizations, and flaws in logic and common sense." And I agree.

SO WHY DO I LOVE TO READ THEM? Maybe it's like MST 3000. They're so snarkworthy.

Listening: Peter Gabriel, Talking Heads, The National, Natalie Merchant, Violent Femmes

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