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December , 2009

First off�this crazy-ass, unpredictable, and utterly nasty weather can stop the shenanigans any old time now. I�m fed up and then some. The "then some" being a result of my control-freak husband insisting on driving me to and from work all week. I do not get one single second of time all to my self. The only time I�ve been getting lately has been the commute�which is a far from perfect answer to my needs But good grief�at least it was something! I haven�t had time alone since last Friday, when I escaped his clutches long enough to go to the hairdresser and run a couple of errands.

But�enough of my introvert�s nervous breakdown.
The weather. Since we live in a geographical location that is a thin wedge between two separate weather systems, and we don�t have meteorologists of our own, the weather for K-town doesn�t get reported very accurately. Plus, we live next to a Great Lake, which further screws up the weather. So, what does this mean? Well, A) Can�t tell what�s gonna happen, except B) It�s probably gonna suck.

Oh, and C) No matter what the weather is at home, if I drive more than 3 miles North, South, or West, it�s gonna be something completely different.

The battle against my true, Christmas-hating nature rages on, in the face of mounting challenges. P&E have canceled our traditional Christmas together (One of the few things I really like about the holiday) due to some heavy-duty personal issues they are working on. They specified no gifts and no get-together this year. I am feeling bad about this on a selfish level, because they are my favorite people to shop for, and my favorite people to spend time with. But I also think that depriving themselves of something like that will only make them feel worse.
Not that I want to see anyone right now. Aside from the �Give me an hour alone or just shoot me and put me out of my misery" feeling, I�m also growing a huge and evil zit-slash-boil-slash-second freakin� head from the side of my face that makes me feel just a teeny bit self-conscious. Cripes. I no sooner succeed in banishing an incipient cold sore than I start sporting a damned staph infection on my cheek. And I know the good old seasonal eczema is just around the corner. I feel like freak in a low-rent circus.

Reading: "Ruth Fielding On Cliff Island: Or, The Old Hunter�s Treasure Box", Copyright 1915 (Ruth Fielding #6), "Ruth Fielding At Sunrise Farm: Or, What Became Of The Raby Orphans ", Copyright 1915 (Ruth Fielding #7), and "Dorothy and Agatha", by Gaylord Larsen

Surfing: Doing more reading than surfing, really.

Listening: Since I�m not driving myself this week, I haven�t been listening to anything much besides weather reports.

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