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October 30, 2009

No one uses them, so unless I hear back from anyone out there, I will be doing away with the comments in mid-November. If no one responds, I may also assume I have no readers and take the diary private.

Yeah, there�s that. Why waste my time and Haloscan�s space in a pointless exercise? That notice and the comment link stay up till 11/15 or so, then, if no one has indicated a preference for comments, phhhhttt.

I�m sliding again, by the way. Every day feels like an endless series of endless ordeals (that does so make sense). Whatever is happening at the moment, I find oppressively boring and tedious and yearn for it to end. If I�m at work, I can�t wait for 3:30. As soon as I�m in the car, I want to be home. And as soon as I get home I�m longing for the evening to be over so I can go to bed. (Ahh, bed. The one thing I don�t wish would end. I feel like I�m not getting nearly enough bed. Morning doesn�t have to come just on my account.)

So I need to get on my supplements and my CBT routine again, (If I schedule naps, does that count?) and try to fight against the quicksand sucking at my ankles. I gave myself a few simple tasks for last evening, and got 75% of them done.

And I finally joined the infamous Facebook (under my own name, yet!). I�m hoping this will shut up my friends and help me keep in touch with my relatives�especially the younger ones. Really, the only thing I can honestly foresee getting out of it is a good time on Pet Society. But it�s a goal I set myself, and managed to achieve, so there is that.

Tonight I�m giving myself a laundry goal and a bathroom-cleaning goal in the interests of housekeeping, and a beading goal, and a beading goal in the interests of my soul. My battered, bruised and bunged-about soul.

And I�m trying to figure out the best way to ensure that I remember my vitamins and minerals. If I needed to take them every day, it wouldn�t be a problem. I can remember a daily, and form a habit. But being on an alternating days schedule screws me up big time. I can�t even lay them out with the rest of my meds, because I take those first thing in the morning. The Ca/Mg/C/D combo has to be taken with food for proper absorption, and so I don�t get sick to my stomach. That certainly leaves out first thing in the morning.

SO. How can I remember to take these at suppertime, every other day? Put up a sign: �IS THIS A PILL DAY?� Set up a pill box with pm slots, check it every day at suppertime, but only fill the odd days? Start taking more �every other day� supplements, and put those in the odd day slots? Take my Mg on opposite days? I did some reading, and it seems there are an equal number of voices for and against taking your magnesium with your calcium--if you are shooting for maximizing your calcium absorption, it�s a good thing, but if you are shooting for maximizing your magnesium absorption, it�s a bad thing. What if you want to maximize BOTH!?

See, here is a prime example of something else that happens when I start to slide�I get all worked up and frustrated about the stupidest little shit, and it frickin� paralyzes me. I can�t figure out what to do in the simplest situation. I start to dismiss everything as being either �too big to deal with� or �too small to bother with�, and I accomplish nothing.

Reading: �Murder in False-Face� by Richard Lockridge.

Surfing: Facebook--what else?.

Listening: Paul Simon, KT Tunstall, Jack Johnson, UB40 w/Chrissie Hynde

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