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a moment's peace
August 25, 2009

Yesterday was an insane screamer from alarm Monday to alarm Tuesday. After work turned into a long and unpleasant slog, with trips to the gas station, the pool store, the dentist, the grocery store, and home to concoct a fruit medley salad for the �Healthy Foods Day� at the office. You know something? I really do NOT like peeling kiwis at 8:30 at night.

Salad came out damn good, though�

And I don�t have any cavities, which is also good.

Not good: the insanely intense dreams I�ve been having. Another depression-related thing, and a very entertaining one, too. But not restful at all. And frustrating as hell when you can remember them vividly, but don�t know how they ended. Especially the one where I was English, and a social worker in charge of a 9-year-old boy whose father had been in prison since before the kid was born, and was released pending a new trial. That one was really intriguing! One of my highly plotted dreams that stay with me. I remember less about the Mad Men dream�it didn�t seem to go anywhere; anyway. Just a scene in a nightclub with Don & Betty, Francine & her husband Carlton. What stayed with me the most was Betty, looking gorgeous but being all �Nordic�. Kinda cool, though�

Anyway, I�m hoping for a quiet evening and (oh, fingers crossed) a good night�s sleep for a change. I think I�ll finish this and go replace my nail polish. I picked most of it off this afternoon in a fit of stress/boredom/frustration. Not crazy about �Tijuana Dance?� anyway. Too pale and wishy-washy. I need something bold.

And maybe I�ll pop in a MM Season One disc�been meaning to take another look ever since I heard that one of the switchboard operators in S1E1 is �Flo� from the Progressive ads, and another one is �Mel� from Flight of the Conchords.

Reading: "The Killing Hour", by Lisa Gardner. I finished �Spinsters in Jeopardy� before bed last night, and was too lazy to go downstairs and get another Ngaio this morning. So I�m reading this Gardner that I picked up cheap at Walgreen�s.

Surfing: Monkey Goggles

Listening: The insane babble of a million fools. (Wait�that�s just my day at work still echoing away)

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