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November 13, 2008

The project postponement at work did NOT come to pass, so my crushing workload continues to mount. This has left me with very little time to do anything other than work�and collapse exhausted when I can�t work anymore. There my not be very many entries here in the near future.

With time at a premium right now, I�m making more headway with my audio book than I am with my paper book. It would not take me anywhere near the 15 and a half hours run time to read the Jan Karon I�m currently listening to, but I really don�t seem to have time to read at all this week. And the audiobook can be fitted into the 10 or so hours a week I spend on the highway, and turn an unavoidable time-gobbler into �me� time.

But I don�t process books the same way with my ears as I do my eyes. And as entertaining as this set of CDs is, in order to really retain this story, I�ll probably end up having to read it anyway. It�s for this very reason that I don�t really go the audiobook route very often. Well, that and the fact that I�m extremely fussy about any reading voice I�m going to commit to for hours on end. I prefer actors to authors, mostly. Authors very seldom have pleasant voices, it seems. The major exception to this is Stephen King. The man has a voice like a rusty door hinge and I can�t bear to hear him in interviews. But somehow, when he�s reading his own books, his voice becomes the perfect instrument for the task.

I have to say that this workload has certainly taken the bloom off the rose when it comes to the home entertainment upgrades, as well. When I�m not working, it�s because I�m too tired for anything�and that means TV, too. Although I will admit that the DVR and On Demand features have already proven their value. If you have a very limited time for television, it�s so lovely to be able to go right to your program on your own timetable.

It�s going to be an off year for holiday spirit, too. And since my holiday spirit generally has a range of �total non-involvement� to �half-hearted and forced slight participation�? It doesn�t bode well.

�Total non-involvement� is already off the table, though. I�ve committed to the card exchange again this year, and Nephew made it very clear last weekend that he expects Spritz-A-Palooza to go ahead on schedule. I told him he can come over to help me bake the Spritz, but I am not baking like I did last year. Seven weeks of frantic cookie-producing, only to have it all disappear down his uncle�s gullet, leaving me with no cookies once the holiday arrived. Not this year.
Well, the half-hour I just took to write this was completely stolen from other and more pressing tasks�not to mention interrupted twice by work-related calls. So I�m afraid this is it for now.

Reading: Jasper Fforde's "The Fourth Bear". Jack Spratt and the NCD (Nursery Crimes Division). In short snatches. When I can.

Surfing: Get real.

Listening: �Light From Heaven� unabridged CD audiobook. By Jan Karon, Narrated by John McDonough (Book 9, The Mitford Series)

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