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January 30, 2008

Well, the car seems to be all better now. I hope the sumbitch can hold together and not break again for at least a month, since I�ve spent over $500 on it this month alone, and I�d appreciate the chance to pay my credit card back down before I get fucked over by my car again.

Part of me feels like unloading about my class experience today
(It included roleplay. *Shudder*.), but part of me just wants to shut it out and shut down. It was seriously unpleasant, and I hated it. Let it go at that.

Although I will just say that if the instructor needed to have a day where she broke late for lunch and skipped breaks, I wish it hadn�t been today. The heaviest day of my period. The day I need to be in the restroom every 45 minutes. It�s hard enough to concentrate on learning something you really don�t want to learn, without the intrusion of a constant �I hope I don�t leak� reverberating in your head.
I�m really getting interested in the Fat Acceptance Movement. I don�t think it is something I could blog about, or even write about very often, but it is something I feel I can support. Although I don�t like that title, and think it�s one picked out by the media to stir the shit. I prefer the term Body Positivity, or Body Acceptance, or Size Acceptance. There are plenty of things about my body that I a hard time with, besides the fat. I�m going grey, I�m going bald, I have dry skin, and arthritis, so fat is only part of the equation.
I�ve added a new �-ing� category down below--�surfing�. I am going to start crawling beyond my comfy little corner of the �net, and seek out new sites. I�ll noting my finds here, but for now, I�ve linked to Big Fat Deal, which is a regular favorite.

Reading: �Alone�, by Lisa Gardener

Surfing: "Big Fat Deal� I heart mopie.

Listening: Gregorian Chants. It�s supposedly good for SDs; calming and steadying. I don�t think it�s working, because it just seems intrusive and annoying. Maybe because I hate liturgical music.

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