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December 31, 2007

This hasn't been the best year for me. 2007 is going down as a year of loss.

We lost Papa, my father-in-law. Well, since he passed on 12/31, technically he died in 2006. But 2007 is when we really suffered our loss.

We lost my baby brother to the disease that ravages this family. A tragedy that has profoundly affected us all, and one that will continue to weigh on us for a long time to come.

We lost our beloved Raji so suddenly. Devastating at the best of times, but coming on top of everything else, it nearly did me in.

We have had to deal with the sad and rapid decline of Spouse's mother, and the family turbulance that has stemmed from it.

But you find things to be grateful for...

Spouse had the same job for the whole year.This is no small thing, and I am truly grateful.

I got to spend time with my uncle and cousin from Arizona, people who are dear to me and with whom I've never gotten to spend enough time. Despite the sad circumstances, it was an occasion for joy.

We were granted the gift of a new family member, the wonderful Mr. B. We didn't pick him, but whatever force in the universe was behind it, I'm glad it happened.

Some fences got mended in Spouse's family, and we have gotten to spend time with his youngest brother and his family. That's a good and healthy thing.

I found my way back to keeping my diary, and it helps me, so much, to cope with my life.

I got to be with my family at Christmas time. That doesn't happen every year, and this year it was so important that it happened, I'm glad we were able to pull off that logistical miracle.

Reading: "Dorothy L. Sayers: The Complete Short Stories"

Listening: Cowboy Junkies with Natalie Merchant

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