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weather report
December 28, 2007

We have not been granted a weekend without snow and rain and ice (and sometimes fog) since before Thanksgiving, and it is no different going into this one. The forecast is for 5-9 inches of heavy, wet, and white. I drove from Lake Forest, and by the time I got to the Walgreens on Green Bay Road, the front end of the Retro-Rocket was encased in a thick, dark slurry of Road Sorbet. I stopped to pick up some stuff, and had to scrape the whole car down after being in the store for five minutes. It is getting to be a real drag.

But I�m home safe and enjoying a precious bit of alone time before Spouse gets home. I feel like boob-tubing, but goodness knows daytime television is a hideous freakshow, so I think I�m going to make myself a nice mocha and curl up with a DVD. Maybe my brand new copy of �Chicago�. It�s good nesting weather.

Reading: Finishing "Heidi", by Johanna Spyri. �Alice�s Adventures in Wonderland� is on deck.

Listening: Save Ferris��The World is New�, �Come on, Eileen�, �Spam�. Also, a lot of Michael Ball. I�m so damn eclectic.

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