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all I want for Christmas is Johnny Depp playing my favorite musical serial killer
December 21, 2007

No sooner do I bitch about the card situation, than I get a whole slew of �em in one day. I got nine cards yesterday, from folks on both of my lists. Another 7 today. Gratifying!

Everyone that actually worked today (about half the team) loved getting new gloves, so that was a hit. Whew.
Crikey, I have a heckuva list of shit to do today. Several errands, all the laundry, a fair amount of housework, packing, the positively last bit of the wrapping, and prepping the car for the road. Among other things. So far, I've gotten a lot done, but the laundry cannot be rushed. I only have one washer and one dryer, so it takes it's own sweet time. While that's going on, I am taking a few hits at the housework, but I needed a break so I figured I'd sit down and do an entry.

What I really need is a nap, but I'm afraid if I crashed now, I'd never get finished.

I did get an angle on the issue of another gift for W&T. I figure I�ll take them to dinner and then we�ll all go to see Sweeney Todd, my treat. No-brainer; they are as Sweeney-mad as I am. I�ll just write it into an invitation to "attend the tale", and give them that, and we can schedule accordingly. AND they are huge fans of both Burton and Depp.

I say I�m the biggest Rickman fan, but that may be debatable. I�m pretty sure I�m the biggest Timothy Spall fan, though.

I heard some of the Depp and Bonham Carter�s singing this morning in a radio review�sounds okay to me. Depp has a pleasant light baritone similar to David Bowie, and it sounds as though he went for a much more authentic accent than Hearn or Cariou. HBC sounds fine to me, as well�not a power-hitter like the great Angela Lansbury, of course, but quite creditable. It�s not like they have to have voices that can sing for three hours at a time, 8 shows a week, after all.
Well, the long week of work-related holiday festivities is ov-ah! And I survived. Got a bit of seasonal swag, too. Candles, candleholders, bubble bath, lotion, lip balm, and candy.

The bubble-bath came with a tub ducky, and I�m going to re-gift that to MyNiece, because I never-ever take bubble baths, and because she has been fainting in the shower. If showers make you faint, I�d recommend taking baths.
Tomorrow will be busy from the get-go. Load the car, drop MrB off at the kennel, stop by some friends and drop off gifts, and then head to the Quads, and (for my sins) my Family Christmas. Please, oh please--let it all go well.

Reading: �The Year of Magical Thinking�, by Joan Didion.

Listening: the homestretch of the holiday tunes, on WMYX

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