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oh, this fucking weather
December 11, 2007

I, unlike 50% of my co-workers, made it to the office today. And unlike 75% of my co-workers, I worked the entire day.

Worked my ass off, to be precise, since I was the only one there to answer the damn phones (shudder) for the first two and a half hours, and covering for the absenteesfor a third of my day made me way behind on all of my actual work. Still--suck on that, Madame "Not Pulling Your Weight".

I hate to harp on it, but I really due hate my job and my boss with a white-hot passion.

The reason for all the lack of staff is--of course--the hideous weather. Rain/snow/sleet, lather/rinse/repeat. Although my commute was not actually horrible today. Traffic was lighter than usual due to all the school closings, and since I was fortunate enough to be in the lane without the tire-eating pothole*, the trip was free of incident.
There's no doubt about it--I'm going to have to start hiding cookies. Spouse seems to think he has a mandate to eat every cookie in the house during the week, so that I will bake more on the following weekend. I baked up the shortbread, and he took hald the batch to work with him today. I have been baking since before Thanksgiving, and I have no Christmas cookies to speak of, because he's hoovered them all up! (Pig!)

*Such good fortune was not accorded to all, as attested to by the FIVE cars lined up on the shoulder, in the pouring, freezing rain, with flat tires--or worse. I think there was a busted axle in there.

Reading: �Upstairs, Downstairs, Volume II�, by John Hawkesworth. still.

Listening: Christmas Golden Greats, #3.

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