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December 07, 2007

So (aside from a minor tummy upset) I�m feeling much better today. I got on my merry way to work, sit down at my desk, and go to town on a project. For the first time in about two weeks, I�m feeling energized about work.

Perfect time for my boss to yell at me for not pulling my weight, huh?

Nothing like watching the shattered remains of a one-promising day go circling round the drain.
Oh, I still pounded out the work, and I kept busy this afternoon. But my mood is just shot. And I really can�t afford to have my mood be shot. The Big D keeps popping his head around the corner, watching me, waiting for an in. I cannot give him an opening!

SO. Feel it, write it down, put it away. Walk away from the negative. Easier said than done, but I have to try.

The aforementioned busy afternoon included a trip to the bank, lunch with Spouse, a trip to the post office for stamps (and another for the mailing of the cards), dropping of the "Toys for Tots" contributions (a large train set, an "I can be an art teacher" Barbie playset, and a baby-blue Barbie Volkswagon Beetle that I'd have killed for when I was a kid), a stop at B&BW for some moisturizer, and hastily made appointment at the salon for a cut and wax because this hair? Was making me nuts.

And a small project--I created a method of displaying the Christmas cards I've already started to receive. I found some small looped garland at the drugstore, and threaded it through a small, heavy book. Set the book on top of the china cabinet where it can't be seen, and ran the two ends over the top molding and down the side. Now, I punch a hole in the back of the card (upper left corner of the part that the writing is on), and run the garland through from the back. Pull it through till the card is where you want it, and the looping holds it in place.

Voila! A custom card display, tailor-made for my dining room. Once it has more than two cards hanging on it, I'll snap a photo and put it on my flickr site.
Tomorrow is "finish the shopping" day, I'm hoping. Make a good stab at it, anyway. We sat down and discussed it, and we've pretty much hammered out what everyone is getting, so it's just a matter of picking it all up. Unless we get hamstrung by the weather for the second weekend in a row. Sounds like it might be a distinct possibility.

But god, I hope not.
I'm thinking that this weekend's cookie-baking will be a batch of M&M cookies, and one of my grandma's Scottish Shortbread. Easy, predictable, tasty, and simple to make festive with cookie cutters and colored sugars. Time-consuming, though. The dough has to chill for several hours, and it takes about 30-40 minutes to bake a sheetful. I have always made them cookie-style, rather than pan-style, but I suppose you could do them in a pan if you wanted to.

On the other hand, my M&M cookies are just your basic Tollhouse cookie, but with the M&Ms replacing the chocolate chips. So this is a good combination of recipes if you're doing two kinds at a go. And I want to save the Spritz for closer to the holiday, anyway.

And not that I'm in the mood for it at this point, but the Ho-Ho-Nostra at work are now plotting a cookie exchange. Given that I don't like cookies, won't eat most stuff made by people I hardly know, and am rapidly losing my work-related Christmas spirit, I think I will give it a pass. But if the "elves who break thumbs" insist, I'll probably just do plain peanut butter. They're my best cookie, and the recipe makes a reliable three dozen, which is how many they are calling for.

Reading: �Upstairs, Downstairs, Volume II�, by John Hawkesworth.

Listening: WMYX, Christmas music.

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