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angry and alone. no connection.
September 09, 2006

I'm starting to get all pissy lately, and this may be a good thing. Because when your only two settings are "angry" and "depressed", and you've been stuck on "depressed" for the past 9 months--"angry" is a good thing. Anyway--I've just noticed that I have a shorter fuse, and that people are irritating me past my capacity to ignore it.

Especially in certain areas of the world-wide web. I'm getting very sensitive to the lack of manners I'm experiencing when posting a comment at some of my favorite sites. I try very hard to be reasonable and non-judgmental of other posters, but even when I make a simple comment stating my (MY!!!) thoughts or emotions on a subject, I've been getting some very assholeian responses, judging me overly harshly for daring to have an opinion or reaction other that that of the respondent. or perhaps I incur their wrath for daring to have and express an opinion at all.

Part of the problem is the ever increasing popularity of the sites I regularly visit. Places that used to be intimate enclaves of like-minded folk have become sprawling comment-strewn mega-sites, where the best you can hope for is that no one responds at all.

This kind of thing has happened before, and my usual reaction is to drift silently away, and eventually delete an the dusty link after a few months. It's happened with everything from fan forums to fark.com . It always bums me out, though. They take a downturn, and suddenly I'm tired of them before I'm tired of them.

I must be an optimist, deep down inside. because I always find a new site that makes me happy, and I always think that the people at the new site will be different. And sometimes they are, at first. But it never lasts. Eventually, the bitter-spirited, small-minded, Lowest Common Denominator takes over.

It's turning out to be a quiet weekend around here. Spouse is staying over at his mother's to keep an eye on her while JR is away. We did get together earlier today, and made a run down to the city, so he could take his mom to the cemeteries, and to lunch at Russell's Ribs. And we stopped at the Oberweis Dairy store in Glenview on the way home, for an ice cream. They dropped me off around two-thirty, and now I'm just relaxing in solitude, with only the dog for companionship.

I'll do some laundry, tidy up the house a bit, and I'll probably pop in a movie later. I'm in the mood for something old. Maybe "The Lady Eve", or "Now, Voyager".

I should see if W wants some company tonight, but I just don't feel like it. I've been a crappy friend lately. There just never seems to be enough time for me to get all my work done, keep up with the house, get the necessary ME time, and cram in friendship-time as well.

Reading: �The Quintessence of Queen�, edited by Anthony Boucher, and "Alfred Hitchcock's Tales That Scared Even Me"--another anthology from the sixties with great, classic short stories of mystery and suspense.

Beading: nothing today

Listening: nothing today

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