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mood swing
June 29, 2006

You know, I had a post pretty nearly written, all about the stuff that was getting me down. But I just erased it. It no longer accurately represents me for today. I'm all relaxed, in a great mood, and finding it impossible to be mad about anything.

Why the change of heart? Well, it turned out to be a lovely evening, and I just got done taking my second swim since I got home at five. That swimming can work miracles for me. I can't even sustain a righteous anger at the shit kid next door, who blasts bad rap music out his open window and whose every second word is "fuck". In my present state, all I can say is "Boys will be boys", and "that's teenagers for ya".

And I since I came home, I've cleaned up a messy kitchen, done a load of laundry, and watered all the potted plants that don't seem to catch the rain.

Relaxed, and productive. Nice.

Reading: "A Prayer for Owen Meany", by John Irving. And "That Girl From Boston", by Robert Rimmer.

Listening: XM, "Frank's Place". Fank SInatra, of course, as well as Ella, Dino, and Vic Damone, among others.

Beading: Niece's "Glinda" necklace.

One Year Ago, I was attending a wake.

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