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a bunch of nothing to say
May 25, 2006

I can�t get into this much anymore. I feel like don�t have anything to say. Still, I�ll give it a shot.

Let�s see. What�s up?

Good news--finally--about the pool. Spouse pitched a bitch, fired the contractor, hired a new one, and this guy says he�ll be done by the end of next week. The pool is being delivered tomorrow. I hope it gets done this time. This guy seems much more knowledgeable and on the ball, so I have my fingers crossed.

We got our Steely Dan (with Michael McDonald!) tickets. They added a Milwaukee show at The Marcus Amphitheater, and Spouse found great seats�just about where we sat when we saw them in 2000. It�s July 7th. He found the tickets online the day after they went on sale, and got them for 47.50 each. A lot cheaper than I paid for Tour2K, six years ago. But that was the first time they had toured in eleven years or so, and demand was huge.

The weather was horrible last night. Vicious rain and thunderstorms.
I�m afraid to go look at my new flowerbed. The rain was pounding down, and I�m scared that the whole thing washed out. I have water in the basement, too. Not to mention a pooch who dang near crawled up her own ass with fear.

I still feel like crap, and continue to abuse food, avoid human contact, and wait for death.

I don�t make the effort to read other diaries anymore, I can barely stand to update my own, and some days, I can�t even get up and go to work.

I stayed home Tuesday, nursing the monstrous, swollen contusion on my leg, and hiding out from the world. I didn�t bathe, brush my teeth, or bother to get dressed. I took a nap in the morning, and binged on pizza and double-fudge brownie ice cream in the afternoon. I smoked too many cigarettes, and didn�t answer the phone. I watched a DVD of an old movie, because even watching TV was more reality than I could take.

It wasn�t a very good day.

Of course, when I got out of bed yesterday morning and realized I had my period, Tuesday was suddenly thrown into focus.

And naturally, having taken the day off on Tuesday, Wednesday turned out to be a day double-dipped in awful. I had to work like a woman possessed, doing two days work in one. And then come home to dirty dishes and dirty clothes, because Wednesday is mid-week keep-up day. If I don�t get a couple of loads washed on Wednesday, I end up spending my whole weekend at it.

Work is leveling out a little, but I still don�t like it much. There isn�t anything to it that captures me. It all seems a tremendous chore.

I dislike so many of the tasks involved. I tend to put them off until I�m facing a deadline, and then tear my hair out to get them done. Not the best way to go about things, I guess, but it is hard to throw oneself headlong into a big heap of tedium.

Reading: �The Ringer", by Dell Shannon.
A vintage Luis Mendoza that I�ve never read. Interesting to see where the four novels in this volume shoehorn into the continuity of the series. In �The Ringer", Higgins has married Mary Dwyer and they�re expecting the baby, but Landers has just started dating a young policewoman named Phillipa Rosemary �Phil� O�Neill. These are, I think, the 18th through the 22nd books in the series.

Listening: XM Caf�. Steely Dan, Rickie Lee Jones, The Concretes, U2.

Beading: Planning out a badge lanyard for a friend and co-worker. Blue shades, this time. Her favorite.

One Year Ago, I was twitchy.

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