rhymes with rhyme

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May 19, 2006,

Not a tremendously exciting day. A hard morning's work, and in the afternoon I went for an emergency haircut/wax, because I just couldn't deal with it anymore.

Spouse got home around three, and napped for a while. Then we got cleaned up and went for seafood.

Well, all-you-can-eat fish fry, anyway. Which, for me, is what they bring around on the first pass. They place we go, Captain Alexi's, gives you soup or salad, a huge order of steak fries, all the cod you can eat (starting with four big planks), hot garlic rolls, and coleslaw. I could only eat about half of that--forget ordering more fish.

After dinner, we came straight home and relaxed a while, but we were both tuckered, and made an early bedtime.

Reading: "Died in the Wool", by Ngaio Marsh.

Listening: XM, 70s on 7. Dr. Hook's "Only 16", and Kiss doing "Christine Sixteen". But they blew the Hat Trick--They played Stevie Wonder's "Superstition", instead of Ringo doing "You're 16". Which probably isn't a bad thing, because those songs about lusting after pubescent girls are kinda disturbing, in this millenium.

Beading: A beaded badge lanyard, with (real) amethyst rounds in two sizes, and a mix of shiny and matte #8 seed beads in smoky amythyst. Plus a couple heavyweight gold-finished pewter beads for accent and to add weight.

One Year Ago, I was not posting.

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