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It's gonna be a long week
March 21, 2006, 5:41 P.M.

Spouse starts his new job next Monday (Second shift. Hallelujah!), so that means I get to have him underfoot for the week. Grmph. But I did hand down an edict this morning: Let he who is without work wash the first dish.

He's usually pretty good about that when he's out of work, and he did grill barbecued chicken and bake potatoes for dinner. I expect I'll manage to deal with it till he's working again. Cramps my style, though.

I want to do some beading tonight, if I can--I wanted to last night, but Spouse wanted to go to the library. Which I needed to do anyway, so we took a ride to the branch at the other end of town. Our nearby branch is the most popular in town, and seriously overused. So we end up with vey little selection, and long waiting lists for anything new that's worth reading.

And since we live in a city that has a population of 100,000 people, yet cannot support a bookstore-- sometimes we just have to go out of our way to find something to read.

I'm glad we went--I got a few books I've been wanting to read. But it didn't leave me with any beading time. Well, at least I (finally!)found Douglas Coupland's latest (at least until "JPod" comes out in May), John Irving's latest, and "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" by Mark Haddon. They've all been on my "To Read" list for a while.

One other thing I did last night was to buy some orthotics for my heel pain. It's a sad state of affairs when the inserts cost more than the shoes did. Those little buggers are expensive! They do seem to be helping a bit.

They make my feet hot, though. Ick.

Another reason it's a long week is that it's one of those weeks where I have something I have to get done every day after work. Library, grocery store, oil change, haircut, doctor. I killed off two in one night(library, grocery store)last night, but I have to get my oil changed tonight, my hair cut tomorrow, and go to the doc for my follow-up on Friday afternoon. I hate weeks like that--they frazzle me. At the end of the day, I like to point the old grey mare homeward, and burrow in for the evening.

As I predicted, I am expected to hold down my old job in addition to learning and performing (not necessarily in that order, either) my new one. I spent most of today writing a test plan and sketching out a script, just so that it would get done. No one else was picking up the ball--so I ran with it.

I only did it because it's for my favorite project manager, and I felt sorry for the guy. It would have been nice if the actual team had reacted appreciatively, but they just sort of acted like it was no more than their due to have me write all the documents. Sorry, but I found that the teeniest bit annoying.

I cut out early, fed to the teeth with that place. And since I was leaving early, I went and got my oil changed.

21.5 minutes
1.00 miles
136 calories

I just cannot deal with this stupid leg and foot pain.

Reading: "Death in a White Tie", by Ngaio Marsh

Listening: XM, "Lucy". Smithereens, Bush, The Cure.

Beading: A long necklace with jade donut pendant and a multistrand/catch bead motif.

One Year Ago, I was hip-deep in "Rumpole".

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