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stress test
March 14, 2006, 5:24 P.M.

Depression caught up with me yesterday.

I couldn't get out of bed when the alarm went off. I called in, pleaded a case of GI upset that was only partially fictional, and camped out in the recliner under a quilt for much of the day. I watched my new DVD of "Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit" twice, once with commentary (Nick Park and Steve Box have such soothing voices!), once without, and vegged out.

I had to get up and get going in late afternoon, however--I had a chiro appointment, so I showered and dressed and heaved myself out the door.

I'm not feeling particularly better today--I just couldn't miss any more work. So I pushed myself to the office today.

And ohboyhowdy, am I ever so glad I did!

Today's work-related shots to the solar plexus include: A) Notification that the $100 gift certificate I received for 10 years service will be (heavily) taxed on my next pay packet. So I'm back to not being able to afford a haircut and an oil change in the same pay period.

B) Notification that the $500-$800 yearly bonus I usually get has been reduced to the following: Two additional days off with pay for this year. Never mind that the cash equivalent, before taxes, is only about $320. Never mind that they aren't even really giving us two full days off, which would be 16.5 hours, but are cheating it down to 15 hours.

The real kicker on this one is this: I have time off coming out my fucking ears. I have time off due me that I can't spare the time to claim. So the "almost but not quite two more days" is just a fucking joke.

Can you say "jelly-of-the-month-club"?

C)I was expected to instruct coworkers for the entire afternoon today, on someting I've never actually been taught. And, icidentally, give up my lunch hour to do it. Yeah, that was fun.

I got a call from my friend and former co-worker D. today. She had bad news for me--instead of keeping their house in Illinois and a place in Michigan, they've decided it makes more sense to sell the Illinois house. Which they've already managed to do, and which means that the Michigan move is more permanent and full-time than originally planned, and my likelihood of seeing her is much less.

On the upside, though, she has finally got a decent PC and connection, so we will be able to talk online more.

Interesting aside: My spell-check recommends correcting the word �fuckbag� to �buckbean�. So that will be my new euphemism in polite conversation, I think.

15 minutes
.70 miles
100 calories

My workout was halved by the expectation that I would sacrifice my lunch break to train others.

Reading: "Amanda Miranda", by Richard Peck. Another re-read, of a book I first read in the summer of 1981. One of Peck's books for adult readers. (I love his YA books, too!)

Listening: XM, "Fred". The Pixies, Flesh For Lulu, Boomtown Rats, Aztec Camera.

Beading: Re-imagined pink tassle phone charm it is. Two, actually--one for me, and one for a customer. I decided to just attach a large jump ring to my phone, and to put lobster claws on all my different charms. Schizos like me need to allow for variety.

One Year Ago, I was Papa-sitting.

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