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itchy and depressed is no way to go through life
January 25, 2006, 6:51 P.M.

I�m so freaking bored!

Please, oh please, somebody send me a project. Work is soooo dull right now.
For the first time in over two years, I�m not being overworked. And it�s killing me!

I�ve been reduced to reading G.B. Shaw online, at Bartleby, to keep from weeping at the boredom.

Which is a pretty fair antidote, actually.

The more I read about my specific symptoms, the more validation I�m getting for the theory that it is all about the serotonin.

Stress? More serotonin.
Depression? More serotonin.
Carbohydrate cravings? More serotonin.
Muscle aches, fatigue, headache? More serotonin.
Sleep disturbances? More serotonin.
Bowel problems? More serotonin.

Etc. etc. etc.

So, from what I can see, there are two ways to go about increasing my serotonin levels. Supplements that supposedly promote an increased production of serotonin by my body, and anti-depressants that supposedly promote more efficient use by my body of existing serotonin.

As I prefer conservative measures, it would seem at first glance to be a no-brainer. Take the supplements, right? Well�

Which ones? How many? How much?
More research is clearly indicated. More than I'm up to, I'm afraid. I took the American Way out...and talked to the doctor when I went in about the skin rash.

LSS: Bupropion hydrochloride.


He says it's because of the low incidence of side effects and weight gain...but I think it's his stealthy little way of getting me to give up the cancer sticks.

And the "rash"? Eczema. But no Elidel. Nasty old betamethasone dipropionate ointment, instead. It may work...but it has failed in the past, so we'll see. I should know by Monday whether it will or not.

Well, changing pharmacies hasn't gotten off to an auspicious start. I took my scripts to Osco, and there wasn't a soul in there. That didn't, however, mean that they could fill both of my prescriptions immediately. "Bupropion HCL? Not till tomorrow, because we're out." Or in under 40 minutes, even. That's right...for-ty min-utes! And all they had to do was stick a freaking label on a tube of ointment! Grumph.

I'm better off than poor Christopher Penn, I guess. WTF? He was a kid! (Anyone younger than me is a kid, dammit.)The last time I saw a picture of him, though, he didn't look it. He looked to be about 55, not 40. He was a damned fine character actor, and he was always my favorite of the two acting brothers. Shit. Poor guy. And poor family, too. I'm not given to feeling sorry for Sean Penn, but he gets the slack on this one.

I had an experience today that pissed me off righteously. I�ve been reading �That Might Be Useful�Exploring America�s Secondhand Culture�, for the past several days�rather enjoying it, too. Today at lunch, I had come to the end of page 282, and turned my eyes to the top of the next page�only to find myself looking at a completely different publication.

A publication about a sixteenth-century religious martyr named Thomas Bilney.

Can we get a WTF down in here?

But wait�there�s more! After rifling through the pages, looking in vain for a continuation of the book I was actually reading, I find that the Bilney piece concludes, and the rest of the pages are a treatise on the development of the printing press. Complete with footnotes, I might add. And an index that indicates both pieces are from a larger work on religion.

Sigh. Frustrating, when all I wanted to know was whether or not Naton Leslie found anything worth buying at that rummage sale in Greenfield, New York.

Anyway, I looked up the contact info for the publisher, printed it out, and will draw this to the librarian�s attention when I return the book. All I can do, really.

Well, Spouse called and had me order a pizza, so I took the path of least resistance, dinnerwise, and got one for me, too. It just came, so it's time to settle in with The Muppet show and some pepperoni pie.

Reading: �Pygmalion�, by George Bernard Shaw . A play that�s ninety years old, with dialogue as fresh as the day it was put down on the page.

Listening: Johnny Magnet, "Don�t Fuck With Straight Girls", "Paper Cut", "Vibrator"

Beading: Not in the mood.

One Year Ago, I was into my beads.

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