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tired. but well-paid.
January 06, 2006,

My poor punkin has a nasty-ass bronchial infection, as I suspected. They put him on Zithromax, told him to keep taking the Mucinex, and gave him a note for the two nights off work. I�m making him stay in bed, pouring gallons of liquids down his throat, and running the vaporizer in his room, complete with good, old-fashioned Vicks Vapo-Steam.
(It�s camphorated evil, but it seems to help him breathe.) We�re all trying to get this thing beaten, and he sounded a little better this morning.

Unlike me. I have been having a really difficult time staying asleep lately�only one of the many ways I react poorly to stress. This morning I woke up at two-friggin�-thirty in the a.m., and couldn�t get back to sleep for ages. And each time I did manage to start dozing, ol� croupy would go into a paroxysm of coughing, and jolt me wide awake.

The worst part about that was, I�d lay there after that, for twenty minutes, and he�d be completely silent. But as soon as I started to drift, wham. More coughing. Not his fault, I know, and I honestly do feel his pain�but the bottom line is, that�s what kept me up, and now I�m wrecked for lack of sleep.

Getting up was no improvement, either. I�ve been wondering for four days why I felt like I was getting my monthly dose of hellish evil, but didn�t. Well, apparently it�s because I was slated to get it abruptly, first thing in the morning, all over the floor, while sneezing.

Yeah, well�after I got that dealt with, and got through all my morning shit, I came to work to discover that all the last minute, pre-implementation fixes they put in yesterday didn�t work. Okay, that�s not quite fair. One did work. Out of six. But this thing is still as buggy as a flophouse mattress, and there is absolutely no more time for fixing it. It�s going in tonight, bugs and all. And no matter how well I�ve documented the bugs, and how many perfectly good excuses I have for incomplete testing, or how many ways I was kept from doing it right�the bottom line is this: it goes in buggy, the executive assumption is I didn�t do my job.

On the bright side, I convinced them that they didn�t need me this weekend, so yay! The first non-holiday weekend that I don�t have to work, in godknoshowlong.

I�ve got a load of stuff to do today, starting with getting my eyebrows and hair back under control. They had some kind of weird, super growth spurt the last week or so, and it�s driving me batty.

I managed to get the coloring done on Wednesday night, so I just need Nat�s magic touch to make things right. I like the color I used, although it�s a bit dark. At least the grey is tamed, and the color will fade, anyway. It always does, and if I go a bit dark, it will fade to the light ash brown color I want, instead of to a blonde or red.

I wish I hated my grey hair enough to spend real money on it, and have it done at the salon. But I�m just sooo friggin� cheap! I not only do it myself, I use the cheapest kind there is (Colorsilk�under $4.00 usually)! Although funnily enough, I only use that one because it covers the best and is easiest on my hair. I was extra thrilled the other day at Wally�s, though. They had a two for one on it, which worked out to like $1.91 a package. I love my cheap haircolor, dammit!

Anyhow, I need to get that dealt with, plus I�m meeting D for a catch-up talk (and she has clothes for me! YAY!), I need to go to the store for groceries and more juice and assorted sickroom comforts, fill up and wash my car, go to the drugstore, and do some bead shopping.

Oh, do I want to do some bead shopping. I�ve been attempting to get through my on-hand stuff with �bead box challenges�, but I need some fresh ideas, and some new beads. Every place I�ve been lately has been seriously played out, selection-wise.
And I want something different, dangit! Maybe I�ll run to Funky Hannah�s in Racine. I haven�t been there in a while.

One happy note today was seeing what my new take-home is. I�m pleased to finally see a raise that�s big enough to A) cover the increase in insurance premiums, B) allow me to put aside something, C) allow me to contribute more for household bills, and D) still give me more actual money in my pockets. Now I can get a haircut and an oil change in the same pay period! On the other hand, I suppose I�d better enjoy it, as it�s probably the last one I�ll ever see from that company.

And in the schadenfraude department: my Exboss told me that his net increase in take home pay, after the premium hike, is a whopping $10.00. Poor guy! Who still makes around $20G more than me, annually!

BoodyHoody. I�m having a leeetle trouble scrounging up sympathy for the management-types, this week. At least for the ones who still have jobs, anyway.

Reading: �The Secret House of Death�, by Ruth Rendell. I�m seriously bingeing on Inspector Wexford novels at the moment.

Listening: XM, 70s on 7. Carly Simon, Captain & Tennille, Barry Manilow. �VeryHokey Karaoke� in the car today!

Beading: Planning a little bead-shopping excursion for this afternoon; looking for some new ideas.

One Year Ago, I was the sick one.

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