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some pleasant surprises
Friday, Jul. 01, 2005, 4:32 PM

Well, this has been a lovely day!

I stayed up late last night, so I could see Spouse. This meant I actually slept in a bit this morning, and was able to enjoy my bed until almost seven.

When I did get up, I got myself pilled and shaved and showered and dressed, then went out for a walk with Raji.

And was pleasantly surprised to find it a lovely, sunny, cool and breezy morning out there. Quite invigorating, so Raji and I took a lovely, long walk.

When we got back, I put the coffee on, then went back out and walked down to the convenience store for half&half. The one down the block didn't have it, but big deal. On a beautiful morning like today, I didn't mind going an extra three blocks to the next convenience store.

Coffee requisites acquired, I settled down out back to read the morning paper and have my coffee. Raj went into her kennel for more enjoyment of the lovely morning air. I spent a leisurely hour and a half out there, then came in around nine and greeted Spouse, who was beginning to stir.

We lounged around the living room a bit, chatting and kicking back in front of the TV. All of a sudden, the dog went off like an alarm.

When I went to see what she was barking at, I got the shock of my life.

The gutter installers were here. FINALLY HERE. Actually, really, physically here, in the flesh, to install my new gutters.

Which they then proceeded to do.

I HAVE NEW GUTTERS! Lovely, shiny, new gutters and downspouts, where there were none. Crisp, seamless, "linen" colored gutters, to carry away the rain.

I could cry.

While that was going on, I cleaned out the freezer, read through the Meijer ad, and started making out my shopping list, because Spouse said he had a feeling he'd be off this weekend (of course, they can't ever decide these things till the last minute, so you can't plan anything major)and wanted to do a big shop.

And after he left, I puttered a bit more outside, weeding, watering the shrubs, and sweeping the porch.

I should be getting more housework done, I suppose, but I'm just a major lazybones, enjoying a my first real 'day off' in ages.

Spouse's hunch was right, because he just called to tell me they are shutting the plant at the end of the shift, and everyone gets the holiday weekend off. I'm so glad. We just want to chill at home, barbecue, and relax, for the most part this weekend.

Although we do have to attend a party on Sunday, for Nephew and his step-sister. They both graduated eighth grade this year, and that is some kind of milestone in this area, so Spouse's brother is throwing them a party.

Now, I think I'll go do a few chores, just to ease my conscience, before I kick back and relax some more. I want to do some beading tonight, and who knows? I might even sit my ass down for two whole hours and watch a movie! Oh, the decadence!

Reading: "Fifty Best Mysteries", edited by Eleanor Sullivan.

Listening: Nothing, as this is a commute-free day.

Beading: Preparation for doing the �Green Goddess� choker, and the very tiny anklet.

One Year Ago, I was amazed by Ken Jennings.

recede - proceed

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