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it's not the heat, it's the..oh, wait. it IS the heat.
Thursday, Jun. 23, 2005, 8:06 PM

Well, Tommy Skilling, God of the Weather was right again. Hot enough to melt the hinges of Hell. The NWS has changed the forecast, though. Now they say thunderstorms on Saturday only. I�m sure they�ll change it a couple more times before actually get to the weekend.

The worst thing is, they jacked gas prices as soon as the weather report came out. With the horrible prices, I'm trying to keep it at around a tank a week. As it is, last week it took $30 to fill up my little retro-rocket, and this week will probably be closer to $40. So I'm driving down the tollway with my windows cracked and the air shut, sweating my tits off. I made it a little over half-way, before I caved and cranked out some cool.

Then I ended up having to take a detour around an accident scene, and tacking on fifteen minutes to my commute. So much for keeping the gas use low.

I�ve just been out helping the flowers recover from this 93 degree day. The grass is getting the Jerry Baker treatment. Just letting it go dormant. You can never water it enough, and if you water it at all you just prolong the stress on your lawn. But since two punk kids burned one of our local parks the other day, I worry about irresponsible iceholes flicking their cigarette butts and setting it on fire.

But then, I tend to worry about everything.

I uncovered a bit of a sticky situation at work today; seems this particular piece had so many superficial design flaws, they totally concealed its fundamental design flaws.

It was a decent day. Hectic and maddening and downright evil in spots--but I found two very nasty bugs, on two separate fixes. When I get to test, and find bugs, I�m never entirely unhappy.

33 minutes
1.91 miles
250 calories

Reading: "Eighteen", by Jan Burke.

Listening: XM Radio, �Lucy�. Garbage, Weezer, Pavement.

Beading: "Officially not beading at this time".

One Year Ago, I was lying to my mother.

recede - proceed

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