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weekend in hell
Monday, Jun. 13, 2005, 6:11 PM

Okay--first let me say that this weekend was sooo busy for me that I really don't feel like I got a weekend at all. Tons of housework, with a 21 hour day on Friday, and Saturday nearly as bad. I cleaned and did laundry all morning, before Papa got dropped off at noon. So then I had him to contend with. It isn't that he's so bad, but it is an annoyance all the same. Especially when I've got to make a honking big batch of the extra-special baked beans.

Sunday, of course, I was up early (as usual) to but the bean batch of to bake, walk the dog, whip up a batch of cinnamon rolls and a fresh-ground pot of coffee. Then it was time to get ready for the party.

Which was nice, but it is a strain to get along with people I dislike. Especially in broiling hot weather. But I did, and managed to survive. Niece and Nephew are always a treat, even if I have to put up with their dad and stepmom.

Papa was shocked and thrilled and very touched that this show was all in his honor, so that made it worth all the trouble. But when I got home, I had to lay down with a sick headache from the stress and exhaustion and heat...and wine. I only had a glass and a half, but when you aren't used to it, ov vey.

We ordered dinner delivered and relaxed a little, but then W called all stressed out and needing to have a good long bitch session about T. Who is away for the week, so the bitching came thick and fast. till 10:30, when I simply had to cut it off.

I was totally wiped when I finally hit the mattress, but unable to fall asleep due to aches, being over-tired, and the fact that Spouse had the DVD going in the other room. Every time I dozed off, Darth Vader made a big entrance, and his personal John Williams theme music blasted me awake again. Finally I snapped at Spouse to turn it off, and I was able to get to sleep.

Today at work sucked for a number of reasons, none of which are worth relating. And as I was leaving work, the news was announced of the complete acquittal, on all charges, of Michael Jackson.

Which saddens and disappoints and even frightens me.

34 minutes
1.91 miles
252 calories

weight 245

The new workout standard? Hard to say, with the weigh-in revealing I've shed another 2 pounds, but it's what I'm shooting for.

Reading: �Collected Stories ", by Somerset Maugham.

Listening: CD of "Avenue Q Cast Album"

Beading: Bracelet in peachy-pink and crystal firepolish, with pearlescent peach seed beads, and Swarovski crystal bicone accents. Except, I haff no time!!! Seriously--I haven't touched this in two weeks.

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