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Friday, Apr. 01, 2005, 6:21 PM

I've got my official State of Wisconsin "Declaration to Physicians" form (living will). I have been given to understand that using this document to make clear my wishes will carry more weight with healthcare professionals in this state, and it seems to be a very straightforward document.

It does require that my signature be witnessed by two individuals who are not related by blood, marriage, or adoption, and who are not entitled to make a claim on my estate. I will be getting W and T to witness it for me.

I will also be paying my $8.00 to file it in probate. They say it's not necessary, but I'll feel just a bit better if I do it.

I will be checking the following boxes:
"No, I do not want feeding tubes used if I have a terminal condition."
"No, I do not want feeding tubes used if I am in a persistent vegetative state."
"No, I do not want life-sustaining procedures used if I am in a persistent vegetative state."

My husband, my parents, my two best friends, and my primary physician will be informed that I have filed a living will, and of the conditions therein.

That is, as far as I know, the most I can do to prevent the hellish nightmare that is end-of-life care in this country.

You have to be ready for this--I intend to do my best to be ready.

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