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I did more before he got up than he'll do all day
Sunday, Jan. 09, 2005, 9:53 AM

He ended up having chicken. The fish (perch or pollock) wasn't what he had in mind, so he had fried chicken instead. I had my usual "Poor Man's Lobster", and we enjoyed ourselves at the bar for a while, and then came home.

Yesterday. We slept in a bit (7:00am) and then got up and went down to Northbrook to do some shopping. Breakfast at "George's What's Cooking", and Spouse got invited to sit down and discuss politics and the war with some WWII vets that were there. Then we went to Trader Joe's, did some shopping, and set out in search of a Wally's. The Northern 'Burbs are Targetland, so we ended up clear out by Woodfield in our wanderings. Once I realized where we were, Spouse was no longer lost and decided to stopp by the dealership to see JR for a minute, and make use of their opulent, marble-tiled facilities. And then we went to the Wallly's on Algonquin. What a ZOO! After we escaped that madness, we noticed there was a Mejier store accross the street. Spouse had been to one in Michigan and really liked it, so we went over there. What a nice store! Sort of like a Supercenter, but way nicer. A great grocery store, and a lovely general merchandise area, clean, well laid-out, and quiet. We poked around a bit, and I was finally able to complete Spouse's Christmas gifting. We have been looking for a nice electric griddle that wouldn't take up half the kitchen for storing it. May I present: �The Rival Fold-N-Store Electric Griddle�
This thing is exactly what we were looking for. And since Spouse made bacon and pancakes on it this morning, I can say that it works well, and cleans up easily. It isn't bad to store, either. I love it!

I took it easy when we got home, although I had tons of stuff I needed to get done. Supper was easy, since we got cold salads and (frozen) Scala's Italian Beef for dinner (AND Gonella rolls!) when we shopped. I worked some more on my watchband design, but I still can't get it the way I want it to be. I may have to bail on this one, at least for a while.

I was up at five today, to tackle all the stuff I didn't do on Saturday. Three loads of wash, cleaned up the horridly messy and cluttered kitchen, and--I finally said "Enough!" to the ridiculous disaster that was my big pantry cupboard. In a fit of ruthless cleaning frenzy, I turned the whole mess out, and threw away a ton of outdated canned goods, half-empty flour bags, and odd bits of old pasta. I rule! I'm going to try to take one cupboard every weekend, and clean just as ruthlessly. (Unless Ruth wants to help, of course.)

After I cleaned up, we did the aforementioned pancakes and bacon breakfast, and now I have to get ready to go to our "Christmas" with P&E.

recede - proceed

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