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ups and downs
Thu., Dec. 09, 2004,

Went for 'calories burned' today, and did 150. Now that I have had to adjust for my weight going down another three pounds, that worked out to about 1.10 miles, and 22 minutes in my routine.

I feel like I did on Tuesday. Blecchh.
I don't get it--Tuesday I felt like I was getting the flu, Wednesday--presto! I felt great. Now, today I feel lousy again. I need to get more sleep, or something.

Once I'd practiced a little, I had no trouble getting the hang of RAW, although a lot of people seem to find it difficult. So I started the "Hugs and Kisses" bracelet from the book I bought at Midwest Bead.

I worked on it awhile last night, and it is going well--I'm about 3/4 done with the "hugs" part. You do the length in right-angle, then go back the other way, over the RAW, with the "kisses". (a sort of cross-stitch in delicas).

I am using Swarovski 4mm bicones in "turmaline" (sic), a lovely dark green. The delicas are pale green, in the "silk satin" finish. I've got iridescent dark green delicas for accenting the center of the Xs. I think it will turn out well.

When I got done at chiro last night, I went home bouncing and full of energy. To find Spouse slumped on the sofa looking grouchy and ouchy. I asked him what he was doing, and he told me he was thinking about what he wanted for dinner. Well, there is a real sticky topic. I gingerly asked him if he had anything in mind, and he did. Hot dogs and tomato soup.

Well, easy enough, and running to the store was little to ask in return for a concrete decision and an easy meal. Yes, I know he's spoiled.

And the fact that he got a foot massage from me later kind of punctuates that.

I don't know what I'll make tonight--maybe pancakes. He asked for them this week. I really don't have the energy and patience to cook bacon, though--and that's what he'll want with pancakes.

I wish he'd go back to watching his salt. Hot dogs last night, bacon for dinner; maybe it doesn't bother him, but I'll puff up like a poisoned pup. Not to mention all the calories I don't need.

I spent awhile going through clothes last night (Yeah, I'm telling you, I was a ball of fire).

I don't have to replace my swimsuit yet, thank goodness, but lordy, do I need pants and long-sleeved shirts/sweaters that fit me, for work. Even my underwear is too big. My rack has the sag from wearing loose bras, and my granny panties have pleats. And my closet is full of stuff that kinda fits, but is ten years out of style.

I just wish I could find/afford clothes for fat people. All the ones I have are for BIG people. You know, those people who weigh a lot, but it is okay, because they are apparently 9 feet tall, with a 3 foot rise, and knuckles that drag the ground when they walk.

Now I'm between 5'4" and 5'5", and I weigh 271 lbs, fairly evenly distributed, on a sturdy frame. My inseam is 31 inches. If I was a guy, I could buy pants with my waist size and inseam length, and they would fit reasonably well. But I only have a choice of 26-28 (I get lost in them) or 22-24 (snug at the hip and seat, baggy around the lower leg, and, still, sixteen inches of rise.)

And a choice of length: the high-water look of 'petite' (usually 28 inches, plus too much rise) , or the ridiculous mess of the 'average' length. (usually around 31 inches, plus even more rise)

And the essentially meaningless sizing of 1x--2x--3x, etc.? Don't get me started.

Okay, end tirade.

Well, I really don't know what else to say. I will be working overtime this weekend, and have bought no gifts for anyone (I won't, actually. That's his job. But getting him to do it is MY job) I need clothes. My house is a filthy shambles.

Oh, why the f**k should I care? Obviously no one else does, or they would quit sucking me dry, and let me pull my shit together!

Oops. The makings of another tirade. My, I'm a crab.

Reading: �Dangerous to Know" by Margaret Yorke.
Okay--now I've read 18 chapters, and I still don't know what's going to happen. But I still want to, so that is a good thing.

Listening: XM, On Broadway, some Christmas stuff

Beading: My right-angle weave down, I began the "Hugs and Kisses" bracelet.


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