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weekend at the office
Saturday, Dec. 04, 2004,

Saturday at the office sucks. Except for the fact that I was(relatively) uninterrupted. My team lead only called once and emailed twice. Apparently, she really cares. Just not enough to actually come in and work.

The lack of entries recently can be traced to the attack of the killer job. The worst part is, if I worked 24-7 from now till the deadline, I could never do 1/10th of what needs to be done. And I got the kind of brain that looks at a situation like that and says "What is the point of wasting my time?"

I only worked till noon, though. Hey, I gotta go shopping and do housework and have a life in addition to this shit job; all that shit still needs to be done whether I have to work or not.

My Scooter-Pie has a new interest. Some dumb new casino game called Crazy4Poker. He saw it on TV and wants to play it on vacation. So of course, he wanders around saying vaguely "I gotta look that up...I gotta find something on that..." till I do it. He is the worst at doing net searches, anyway; I might as well.

So. I found him rules, odds, strategy, and worked up a comprehensive document on it. Then, I found a computer game that has it included. THEN, I located somewhere he can BUY the game. God, I'm such a good wife, 'cause now, I'll have to go down to Cook County, on a weekend afternoon, during the Christmas rush, to GET the damn thing. Ain't I somethin'?

As to my interests? Well, after last weekend was over, so was the beading again. I want to do it desperately, but time is something that is just in short supply right now. But I am going to sneak over to the bead store some time this weekend and try and match the Swarovski crystals for my next bracelet with some Delicas.

I. Do. Not. Like. A. Hectic. Life.

Have I mentioned that at all? If there is anything I hate more than hustle, it would have to be bustle. It makes me very unhappy. Two grilled cheese sandwiches and FIVE fun-size Milky Ways unhappy. (When I got home from work yesterday.) I'm not proud, but I'm honest. I did that bad thing. But life is not going to change its ways for me, so I just have to suck it up and soldier on, I guess. Like always.

I am not even reading right now; even when I go out on the porch to have a smoke, I've been just sitting there, staring and smoking and trying to keep my brain from going 90 mph. And as for music--well, XM needs to get a lot more in their library before they attempt to do four separate channels of Christmas. I only listen for a short time each day, but the quality of what they have is very low, and the repeat rate is very high. So I keep getting pissy and impatient and turning the whole shebang off.

The quiet is good, too.

Well, duty calls. Oh, wait. That isn't duty, it is just Spouse. He wants to go get his game. Because, of course, tis the season to find a whole bunch of stuff you want and buy it all for YOURSELF, quick before Christmas.
Anyway, I gotta go.

My life is not my own.

recede - proceed

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