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Wednesday, Nov. 03, 2004,

Even though I think Kerry did voters a disservice by conceding as quickly as he did, I can't say the outcome was unexpected. And I take solace in one fact. "Mr.10 O'clock bedtime", who manages to sleep peacefully through the death of Americans in Iraq, the disenfranchisement of 10% of the population, and the execution of 155 prisoners during his tenure as Governer, was up all night, till 5 AM.

Kerry cost him a night's sleep, and that is more than all his dark deeds have ever done.

I'm very happy that the one elected official I have ever felt represented my views and interests was re-elected to another six years in the senate. Go, Russ!

I have indicated in these pages that I am currently upset with my Rep, who also won re-election last night, but I don't disagree with him on every issue.

Just that one--but oh, is it a biggie. I voted for Norm Alabaugh, and I hope he continues to try for public office, because I admire and respect him, and feel he could do Wisconsin a lot of good.

The casino referendum also passed, by a comfortable margin.

So I can't cry too much, although I seem to be in a distinct minority mourning the loss of Tom Daschle. He tried valiantly to stem the tide of court-packing, and it cost him a lot. I thank him for his efforts, and am sad to see him go.

I feel as though I will never again in my lifetime see sane, responsible, cool-headed centrism rule the day in this country. Or even the kind of centrism that is achieved by a Congress and President at odds, who check and balance each other's more extreme tendencies.

The system of checks and balances is pretty much gone now. With the legislative, judicial, and executive branches all in the same hands, a voracious combination of ravenous greed and fundamentalist zeal is now in charge.

And I'm frightened. The Dems tax me and nanny me, but at least they understand the value of a taxable middle class.

The Reprobates (sp?) want to eliminate my class. And it is my class that gave them the votes they needed to do it.

I hope it was worth it to these people, to contribute to their own extinction. But I'm sure their fear of 'homos' and gun control has left them feeling justified.

And as a bonus, they even got to set back social progress a hundred years!

recede - proceed

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