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going thru the motions
Monday, Nov. 01, 2004, 7:48 PM

The frickin' site is down again, so I'm writing this now and will post it later. I'm so tired and, and not really in the mood, that its only the discipline thing that is making me write anything at all.

It rained here all day, and my first post-time change day got to be extra-fun. I got to drive home in the dark AND the rain! After a super-frustrating day at work, yet.

I had to point out that my team leader's poor planning skills had impacted me in a way not easily resolved--in a period of time containing 112.5 work hours, she had me scheduled for 181 hours. I managed to talk her down to 141.

YOU figure it out; I give up.

When I got home tonight, there was a package on my front step--soaked with rain of course. It was Spouse's incredibly tacky satin baseball jacket that he'd ordered at the reunion. Oh, it fits right in in Wisconsin, but still. Royal blue satin? What time is it--1978?

He called tonight to let me know he'll be home tomorrow, and will get to vote after all. I'm glad--this election is too important to waste a potential vote. I went to the county clerk website today to double check my polling place info, just in case. The last time we had a casino referendum in this town, they changed a bunch of polling places right before the elections, people were confused--voters and polling officials--and a lot of votes got thrown out. Mine included. So--check and double-check.

I'm really not looking forward to the aftermath of this election. I think the whole process is busted, and the repugs and the radical right have succeeded in splitting this country so badly that it is starting to look like the fall of the Roman Empire around here. But I have to do what I believe is right, vote my conscience, and hope for the best.

recede - proceed

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