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an endless litany of petty annoyances
Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2004,

Car problems. When I got home last night, Spouse was in the drive, and said he noticed a strong coolant smell from my car. He topped up the anti-freeze and told me to get it into the shop this weekend. So I get in this morning and head off to work�and the check engine light comes on. So just getting to work became a major hassle. I had to take my car home, Spouse had to leave work and pick me up, I had to drop him back at work, and then drive myself in his car. Which sucked, because by then it was gridlock time on the interstate. I ended up being about 45 minutes late, but I�d called, so no big deal.

Meanwhile, Spouse called the dealership when they opened, and was told to bring it in right away, or they couldn�t take it till next week. So he had to leave work again, along with someone to drive him, and go home, get the car, drop it off at the shop, and meet his co-worker for a ride back to work again. But the good news is: it�s under warranty, and it should be done today. I�m hoping.

I still haven�t spoken with my boss regarding the great shafting. I�m still so pissed about that, and about being expected to do the team leader�s job for her, that it is probably for the best that I don�t see him yet. I would probably say something I�d regret. Speaking of team leader, she took the afternoon off today to take care of personal stuff. When she is here, which isn�t often, she doesn�t do her job to any great extent anyway, so what do I care if she bothers to log the hours or not?

Today, I had to deal with 4 distinct issues that were in her realm�including people requesting clarification on her documents! Like I know what she was trying to say! And even doing her job wouldn�t be bad, except that info comes IN to her. She does NOT share it with me, yet she expects me to do her job in a competent manner. I�m not sure if she withholds info because she�s control-freak power-trippin�, or if it is because she is so very disorganized and scatterbrained. Either way, the situation gets more impossible every day.

I spent all day yesterday acting, so I was totally beat by the end of the day, and didn�t bead or read or do much of anything. Played Bookworm a little, made dinner, made his lunch, and did a load of wash. I hope I have the energy to have a little bit of life tonight�I�m feeling very thinly stretched again.

I hope that they took all the garbage today�we had 20 black bags, 3 white bags, and 9 leaf bags this week. I just hope we didn�t exceed some obscure rule about quantity.

The squirrels tried moving back into the attic with the onset of cold weather, so Spouse fixed the hole where they were getting in. So�they proceeded to spend all of last evening trying to chew the new board off.

Man, I wish I had a BB gun. They don�t even run away when you are standing right there, unless you yell and throw things at them. And even then, they just go up the roof a few feet until you leave, and then go right back to work on it. Lousy rodents. Rats with puffy tails. VERMIN. I hate them.

They also like to drag their walnuts in from god knows where (no walnut trees in our entire neighborhood) and eat them on my front porch, so they can taunt the dog and leave a mess of empty shell pieces to be cleaned up. Grrr. I cannot stress enough how much I dislike them.

Reading: �Dead Room Farce", by Simon Brett

Music: Nothing much.

Beading: An eyeglass-hanger necklace, dark carnival seed beads with obsidian chips and black and white oval glass beads as accents. A silver toggle loop as a hanger.

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