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quick before bed
Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2004, 9:35 PM

I really don�t want to take a lot of time, so I�ll try to be brief.

I went for another good, brisk walk last night. Ran into the wife and daughter of Spouse�s boss, but mercifully, they were late for something so I didn�t have to talk to them for long. Then I ran into W and the dogs, out for their walk. Talking to W, I found out she needed to copy and send some old photos of her deceased brother (died in �Nam) to her other brother who is writing a family history. Her scanner won�t work, so I said let�s just run over to Walgreen�s and do it there. We each went home, grabbed a bite, and then I picked her up and we went to the store. Everything seemed fine; we loaded the photos to a disk and didn�t bother to print them. The guy didn�t charge us, because we didn�t print.

We get back to her house, and the disk is blank. F*&@!!! So I told her to take the photos to work next day and try it there. She can at least print and mail hardcopies to her brother. Man I was pissed. Mostly at myself for not loading the disk into the print from disk machine and checking to make sure it went ok. I�m a tester; I really shouldn�t take anything for granted.

Good thing about going though--I found the magnetic yellow ribbons! Been looking for those for a while--everyone at work wants them. I got three, and took them in today. I gave D one as a gift, and sold the other two right off the bat. Wish I�d gotten more.

Then I came home, updated my PC, talked to Spouse on the phone, and finished the purple bead project. The dangles and the earrings came out great--very pleased.


Sucky-ass news at work today. The bastards are limiting internet access. I�m just guessing here, but I have an educated hunch that only officers and directors will have unlimited access now. The rest of us plebes will only be able to get Company-related sites and email. Some dumb phuck probably got caught with games or porn. Well, there goes a further erosion of the perks of my job. It just gets less worthwhile every bloody day. More shit and less compensation.


I wasn�t up to much tonight. The usual dinner of LC, fruit, cookie, and water. Dog and I played a spirited game of fetch/wild rumpus, and I fiddled a little on the PC, then read a bit and watched TV a bit and sat down to dash this off before bed. I took a couple Benadryl, and now I�m gonna hit the hay. I reset the alarm for seven minutes earlier, on the hope that I can get out the door in the morning before six. That makes a dramatic difference in commute time. Five minutes will get you twenty.


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