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full moon/tuesday. sucking squared.
Tuesday, Sept. 28, 2004,

I hate it when the dog is sick. She had the yucky tummy again last night.

For clarification, �the yucky tummy� is when she�s not sick enough to throw up, or have the runs, but she has trapped gas and feels bad and clings to me like a barnacle on a battleship. She doesn�t even want her favorite treats when she�s like that. Unless that treat is a walk, that is. No matter how sick she feels, she�s always up for a walk.

I feel so bad for her when she gives me that �mommy help me� look. And while I love the puppy cuddles, I hate that she�s only like that when she�s sick. In fact, when she is feeling bad, Daddy can�t get her attention for love or money. It�s Mommy all the way, then. She was acting just a tiny bit weird, but once I noticed she wasn�t chewing her pig ear or eating her treat, I gave her a Dia-win. Took about half an hour, but then I heard the Whistle Britches Symphony and later, while I was on the phone to Spouse, I could hear her eating. Once the gas got out, she was fine.

I kept my promise to myself last night and went for a brisk walk. It felt good (emotionally), and really helped curb my appetite, but my piriformis muscles tightened up something fierce, and my shins hurt a little today. I need to make sure I do a good gentle stretching before I go tonight. I had a banana, a Lean Cuisine dinner, and a c.c. cookie for dinner. Mental note: do NOT buy the Roasted Chicken with Mushrooms meal again. It wasn�t that it tasted bad; it didn�t taste at all. Absolutely bland. I�d rather eat the glazed chicken five nights a week than face that bland travesty again. The Beef Steak Tips Dijon, on the other hand, tasted like ass. That�s another one I won�t be buying again.

Today has been such a Tuesday. Tuesday with a full moon, yet. And TWO sets of company at work. (Vendors AND prospective clients-the worst of both worlds.)
And the wind is howling out there. I really want to walk, but not if the wind is gonna knock me on my butt.

Reading: �The Nanny Diaries� by Emma McLaughlin & Nicola Kraus

Music: XM, show tunes

Beading: Victorian choker in soft purples�finished the main band, working on the dangles, and a pair of matching earrings.

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