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when is a frozen dinner not a frozen dinner?
Sunday, Sept. 26, 2004, 7:32 PM

Well, this was a wasted day. I did a little (very little) housework. I read a little, farted around on the internet and played some games, played with the dog...just killed the day. It was heaven.

I decided I couldn't face a frozen dinner tonight. So I made dinner from the freezer instead. Yeah--that makes sense, huh?

I took a salmon fillet and thawed it, then sealed it in foil with fresh lemon, dill, fresh cracked pepper, and a pinch of kosher salt. Put the whole shebang on a cookie sheet, and shoved it in a 450-degree oven for 15 minutes.

I also heated up some Trader Joe's Porcini mushrooom risotto, and steamed some veggie medley. Came out great, and practically no work.

And I found out the dog likes salmon. Great. Like she really needed another expensive taste.

Spouse called a little bit ago, and sounded tired. We didn't talk long, because he had just got in and was filthy and starving, desperate for a shower and dinner.

Well, I think I'll go see if anything worth watching is on, and bead for a while. I haven't been doing my updates at the bottom , because I haven't beaded in a few days, and I haven't been listening to any music, either. I'll start again tomorrow.

recede - proceed

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