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Friday, Sept. 17, 2004,

This guy better show up. It's 2:06, on a Friday afternoon. I'm home, instead of out running errands, just like last week at this time, because the furnace guy is supposed to show up--this time. he's late. Grrr. They'ed better be pretty frickin' cheap, because they've already used up my good will allowance. I was perfectly willing to forgive him last week, when it seemed like he was alone in the office. Until Scott talked to E's cousin K, and found out the guy was supposed to come anyway, even though K'd had to leave work. So now, I'm a quite unhappy camper. and now he's eleven minutes late! And counting.


I am tuckered today, and I was thinking of taking a nap, but now I can see there won't be time. We're supposed to go to the lodge tonight to see the Bullet, but the last time we planned that, he didn't show up either. I'm about fed to the teeth these days with people who blow you off, and never seem to care that they don't live up to their obligations. It is rampant in this area, and it makes me crazy, because I was not raised that way. (Now he's a quarter of an hour late.) We had another gutter guy do it the other day. It got so bad with the gutters that Spouse told one company that all they had to do, basically, to get the job would be to actually show up for the frickin' estimate! And it was the same damn thing when we were trying to get the porch repaired.


I've been so busy at work this week, I'm thrilled to be off. I was supposed to work tomorrow, but they changed it to next week. Today being half-day, my morning was particularly hectic. Nothing like trying to juggle three projects in one morning. But I got a lot done.

And today was team colors day. I borrowed one of Spouse�s Packers shirts so that I could wear jeans (Heee!) and sneakers to work. Since I work deep in the heart of Bears land, it is always a little risky wearing Packer gear, but they need to get over it. I felt so energetic in my casual clothes-- I think that�s why I managed to get so much done.

Walked out with D, who is on air because J is coming home from Iraq on Sunday. She has a torn up family room, a houseful of company, and her daughter�s dog, who chewed a hole in a six panel door this week--and she doesn�t even care. Nothing can bring her down.


(2:26--he�s not here yet. We are NOT hiring these people.)


And Spouse had bad news yesterday; he is going to be gone from next week, till after our birthday! That�s is just like that SOB he works for, to make him go out of town over his birthday, and his wife�s birthday. Jag. On the other hand, it frees me up for celebrating my own and W�s birthday (raises eyebrow mischievously.)


I can�t believe I�ve sat here for half-an-hour, writing this entry, and the schmuck ain�t here yet. I really don�t need this shit.

Spouse just called, and is going to call K and find out what is going on. But take it from me--No. We are NOT hiring these people.

Well, he just called again. Suddenly, K doesn�t work there anymore, and they don�t know anything about us having an appointment. Lovely. I just hope K quit, and wasn�t fired or laid off the same week her dad died. At this point, this company can shove a brand new Lennox gas forced air furnace up their ass, and light it.


I�m gonna go take a nap.

Reading: �Merchant of Venus� by Ellen Hart (another Jane Lawless)

Music: Satellite Radio, still show tunes. (what can I say? I love it.)

Beading: finished the mermaid bracelet, and some 5-minute earrings to go with the Packers shirt I wore today. Started laying out a new necklace.

recede - proceed

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