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rock/me/hard place
Thursday, Sept. 02, 2004,

It is not my nature to raise hell about problems. It is my nature to put up with ever-increasing amounts of bullshit, until I reach my limit. At that point, I walk away from the situation. I don�t complain, I don�t explain, I just take my things and go.

So I really am at a loss on what to do at the moment. I cannot leave my job. I need it, and I have very little chance of replacing it with anything as good or better right now. Plus, I used to love it, and if the situation can be salvaged and circumstances reversed, I�d like to try. But I am dangerously close to the breaking point. And I don�t know how to change things. Or even if they can be changed.

This whole thing is making me depressed, causing me pain, and making me physically ill, and I need help.

But I don�t do the help thing either. So I guess I�m screwed.

recede - proceed

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