rhymes with rhyme

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Wednesday, Sept. 01, 2004, 8:29 PM

I was evilly sick today. I woke up about 3:00 AM, feeling queasy and in pain. I barely made it to the loo in time. Same problem I had last spring, with the constipation followed by the violent diarrhea. Probably the same cause, too: stress.

It took quite a while to run its course, so I had to call in today. I have felt weak as a kitten ever since. I just spent the day napping and trying to pull myself together. Watched Futurama, in between dozing.

Then, about 5:45, Daddy called. I had to help him with his computer; the man can barely email unassisted. He was waiting for a late client, and just wanted to gab and fiddle with the computer for what seemed an endless time. It was almost seven before he hung up.

And then, of course, Spouse called. He had a good day today; the guys finished at the plant by noon, and went out to the AFB. Spouse called the Major he'd met at the reunion, and the guy came out and met them, took them on the base and showed them around. They even got to meet the Base Commander. It sounded like they had a good time. It is good for Spouse's boss to see the "blue-boy network" in action. Maybe give him a little respect for Spouse. Can't hurt, anyway.

Well, I'm still feeling very tired, and want to go to bed early, so I think I'll take the dog out, take a nice shower, and go to bed.

recede - proceed

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