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two trips to get it home
Sunday, Aug. 29, 2004, 7:15AM

Saturday was...trying. With Spouse underfoot and stuck to me like glue, I didn't even try to get anything accomplished. I lazed a bit in the morning, but I can't even do that well when he's around.

When I finally got up, we went out to breakfast, which is not something I'm exactly into right now, but I ordered a short stack at IHOP, and juice. I ate following my rule for portion control, I ate exactly half of my pancakes, and 1.5 sausages, drank a small OJ, and drank my entire glass of water. I'd had my coffee at home.

Then we went to the the discount hell down the road and did a little shopping, as Spouse needed new work boots. We got a hodge-podge of stuff; I bought a couple new shirts. Stripes in shades of olive, and plain dark brown. They'll go with my olive and tan khakis.

I also bought a Johnny Cash CD--the expanded San Quentin album. I finally got "The Wreck of the Old 97", which I've wanted for a long time. This is a special edition that they put out after he passed, so it has extras.

Spouse bought volume four of Futurama--he's wanted it since it came out, and yesterday was a dismal rainy mess just suited for a new boxset.

And we got stuff for dinner...turkey breast, fixings for stuffing, sweet potatoes...except we didn't. When I got home and unpacked the groceries, there was no turkey. After getting in a fight on the phone with an idiot in customer "screw-this", we had to drive all the way back to Racine and get it dealt with. The woman I talked to in person was much nicer, and rectified it immediately, but that put dinner time back significantly, as it had to thaw. We didn't eat till almost seven.

Anyway, after we got back from Racine again, we passed a quiet afternoon. I had a Slimfast bar for lunch, he napped in front of the tube, I puttered on the PC, and we made dinner together. We just relaxed. Although I yelled at him for horning in on my Rack Attack game. Nothing serious like a fight--I just snapped at him.

recede - proceed

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