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full bore and hard core
2004-07-22, 6:45 p.m.

GARGH! I tried to post earlier...wrote a whole page and the server tanked when I tried to put it up. I don't know how much I feel like trying to do it again. But here goes.

Work is just wildly busy right now. The project I'm testing requires an insane load of data input, followed by an equally insane amount of analysis. I processed 300 subs today, and I'm pooped. Not much time for anything else, and certainly not much energy for anything else.

I got a chair massage yesterday, so I actually felt decent for a couple of hours, but then the pain always comes back twice as bad. Why does that happen? I feel like I'm being punished for trying to shirk my life's load.

When I was getting ready to leave work today, all hell broke loose, weather-wise. A real boom boom gullywasher. And so I had that to deal with. Well, that and all the assfucks who can't seem to drive when it is raining. Took me over an hour to get home. I was seriously road-raging there for a while.

Spouse is off to pick up his family from the airport. Their flight was delayed for several hours due to the weather here, but they are on their way now. With the delay, we took the opportunity to go the the "Feeding Frenzy" for dinner. It was not quite as zoo-like as usual, and the food was good.

Better than last night. I was planning a meatless dinner--linguini marinara, salad, and garlic bread. Nice, huh? But Spouse decided he needed meat, so he picked up some pre-made meatballs at the Italian deli.

Oh. My. God. The foulest thing I think I've ever put in my mouth. These were like concentrated evil in handy ball form. After one bite, which I spit out, the entire dinner was ruined. I had that ass-taste in my mouth until this morning. I'm nauseated just thinking about it.

And then, after dinner, we had to haul skanky, foul grass clippings to the dump. So it turned out the evening had a theme: "Make her barf!"

well, I'm pooped, and I think the only thing that keeps me from passing out is my ugly mood. All this full-tilt boogie at work is going to do me in.

recede - proceed

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